Sunday, May 13, 2007

"American Dreamz" and "The Terrorist"

So I am watching "American Dreamz" and it reminds me of a mix of of course, "American Idol" and the movie, "The Terrorist". I can't decide if it was good or not... OK, it wasn't good, but it was decent. Oddly enough, it had a LOT of similarities to "The Terrorist", I seriously think the dude that wrote "American Dreamz" saw "The Terrorist" and liked it and really wanted to make another movie like it. It had the same basic plot, except "The Terrorist" was about the Tamil Tigers and "American Dreamz" is about some radical group in the middle east. Malli's whole family was killed by this guerrilla group, Omer's family was bombed by and American bomb. Malli joined a terrorist group to avenge her brothers death... Omer joined a terrorist group to avenge his mothers death. Malli gets placed with this family who is supposed to be teaching her botany... Omer gets placed with his cousins who are teaching him to sing. Eventually Malli comes to love this family that she is put with and starts having second thoughts about the attack... Omer comes to love his family and somewhat of America and starts having doubts about the attack. That's where the similarities end because they don't tell us what happens in "The Terrorist". It's not an American movie so they didn't feel the need to spell out the ending... they let the viewer decide what happened. In "American Dreamz", Omer has a change of heart and doesn't do it.

But in all seriousness... I wonder if the writer of American Dreams saw this movie... the similarities are uncanny.

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