Monday, September 28, 2009

She Wolf?

Is it just me, or does Shakira sound a little bit like a terrible Imogen Heap on "She Wolf". I'm just saying... they slight yodeling thing on the song reminds me of her but it's still terrible Shakira. lol.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dancing with the Stars 09/22

Donny Osmond was kinda awesome doing that salsa. His faces were priceless. I enjoyed an immense amount. Lol. I'm scared for Macy Gracy tonight.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Im Jealous

...of anyone who actually gets to experience Fall. It turns fall on the 22nd, but being in Texas, I really would have no earthly idea. I'm jealous of anyone who gets to wear long sleeves right now and gets to feel crisp air (I don't know if Texas is even allowed to have crisp always has a bit of moisture in it, even in the dead of winter).

Also, when I was young, I always used to love Halloween. Like love love love. One of my favorite holidays. I liked decorating and going out to Alameda (disclaimer: i would spend the night at my friends house because it was her b'day the next day... I wasnt one of those people who would just park on the street and trick or treat in a neighborhood that wasnt mine! lol) and trick or treating. Such a crisp breeze in the air cuz your right off the water and everything.

50 Cent... Puffy Who?

50 cent is "dat dude". I so appreciate this dude. Wanna call him a sell out, do what you want. But he is a smart man. Love him.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm Homesick Yet Again

That's all...

Nigerians Boycotting District 9...hmmm I wonder why...

I'm not Nigerian or anything but I understand why they are protesting District 9. That movie made them look like criminals, thugs, schysters, canibals, and they were having interspecies relations. I would not have enjoyed if I were them. My question, is why weren't the aliens having relations with the white South Africans? Hmmm. Were they too pure for that?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Take on trick-ass Kanye

You know, people might think I am late on this, but whatever it is fine. I want to talk about this Kanye-Taylor Swift thing.

Now, I admit, I am always the first to call some racial motivation to something, but for some reason, I just cannot see it here. Maybe because I've never liked Kanye's ole punk ass since he first came out, I'm happy that someone FINALLY reacted to something bad that he did. He's an rude, short, ugly, egotistical, self-centered lil bitch in my book. He always was and he always will be.

I will say that we don't know how the world would have acted had he done this to a little black teenager, but he didn't. He did it to a white girl. Maybe white people are reacting because of the ingrained, "you don't mess with our lily white girls or we'll eff you up" mentality from the slave times. Or could they really just be reacting because he's an asshole?

Now this whole thing about him being a racist...I don't think he is a racist. Come on, he likes white people because they mix with black people and produce mutts, his favorite type of video whore(I know ya'll remember that quote). I think for someone who is such an idiot, he is race conscious and knows about race relations in that nature. Just because he said Bush hates black people...sheeeeeit from the coverage of Katrina to what went down in Katrina, any non-American watching could see that was clearly motivated by race and was not a product of black folks imaginations. And Kanye calling out white girl wasn't racist. It was dumb and rude and uncouth as hell, but it wasn't racist.

But anyone calling Kanye anything I've called him or worse (sans tigger with an n or a racist) is completly justified because his fool like behavior that night (what kind of 32 year old walks around a video music award with an open bottle of liquor, skinny jeans that fall at his butt, and a sleazy looking chick on his arm)...

Rant over

Monday, September 14, 2009

Best Quote Ever

"How small of you"- Nene Leakes from Real Houswives of Atlanta.

I like to add some variation to it. Sometimes, it can be used as an insult, while other times, it can be used as an observational phrase. All you have to do is insert your choice adjective in where "small" is and there you go.

For instance, if someone says, "I'm going to put on some trousers", you can say, "How British of you". You can go where ever you would like with it. Its such a verstile phrase.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Shows They Need To Bring Back

1. Supermarket Sweep- that show was overall bomb. I used to play Supermarket Sweep in the store with my was her way of getting the shopping done faster and it was fun for me. Everyone wins.
2. Anything with the Wayans Brothers- I'm talking the main siblings...not children of siblings.
3. Sailor Moon- OMGGGGGGG, I used to watch that show at 3:30 after schoool in middle school. it was the highlight of my day man.
4. Bug Juice- well maybe they shouldnt bring it back...cuz they'll still use 14 year olds and I won't care anymore.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Getting My Erudition On

That is all... I just really like that phrase.