Thursday, May 24, 2007

Can I Introduce Myself?

So the wierdest thing happened to me today. I'm walking down the hallway of my job (my job is so boring, I take breaks by walking across the whole building for fun sometimes) and I see this dude walking toward me. Note: I see this dude sometimes on my daily walks and I always thought he was kind cute or whatever. So Im walkng down the hall and I pass him and then I stop by a window for a minute hoping to lengthen my little walk. And out of the blue... I hear "Excuse me". So I turn around and it's the dude. So he asked my name and blah blah and that was it. THAT WAS IT. Never in my life have I had a cute guy just come up to me ask my name, what department I work in, and stuff like that. NEVER. Well, it happened sometimes in MD, but NEVER in CA. In CA, you get those dudes that really just try to holler at you at every possible oppertunity. No one ever just asks you your name or anything like that. Even the not grimey dudes just come with lines and junk. I was just so shocked... one, dudes dont introduce themselves anymore... and two, he was a cutie.

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