Monday, June 18, 2007

Randomness v.7

- I think watching "Best Week Ever" slightly tipsy would be fun (not that I've ever been tipsy). I was just watching this weeks when the Asian Cowboy passed out standing up and was laughing so hard I started crying.

- Why are there so many attractive janitors/patient mobility specialists where I work? I am just trying to figure it out. I mean.... hawt.

- On that note... I feel like I am in that scene in "40 Days and 40 Nights" where dude is in the coffee shop and sees all these women naked because he can't have them. Yeah... that's me... just a bit more PG. Everywhere I go...I feel like there are attractive men just calling my name. It is awful in the very best of ways. I think part of it is is that I am not used to seeing attractive men WHILE I have a boyfriend. In college... all the dudes were hurt, but now that I get out and see other people, it's like WOW there are attractive dudes out there. It's not a temptation thing at all, but I never noticed it before and it's crazy.

- Im glad Joanna is gone from Hell's Kitchen, she whined toooo much.

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