Sunday, June 03, 2007

Investor Gadget?

Please tell me why this chick on Charm School said "Investor Gadget" in a hella serious way. InSPECtor maybe... or InVESTIGAtor but surely not Investor gadget. I am pretty sure he is not trying to find a place to spend his money.

Why is VH1 coming up with a show called "Rock of Love"? I mean really? I wonder if anybody is actually going to watch that show. The title doesn't even make sense. Rock of Love? Flavor of Love at least sort of made sense, but ROCK... yeah how bout no. And who is that dude anyway? Maybe I just don't know him because I don't like that good ole time rock and roll. I don't know. And why do all of the contestants seem just extra countrified? I guess the people on the outskirts of society were tired of not seeing themselves on the ABC/NBC dating shows and felt the need to make their own now. You NEVER saw any black people or country people on those shows that made it past the first elimination. It just didn't happen. I guess VH1 is the new haven for those on the outskirts of society... kinda so they feel normal because they see others on TV just as effed up as them.

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