Tuesday, November 21, 2006

So of course, I am going to make my obligatory LSAT reference.... it sucks ass, and it is still sucking ass, at least I have another week and a half to fine tune myself, because to be very honest, I am so damn sick of it right now it is not even funny. I mean not even a little bit. But whatever, I guess it will be cool on December 3, 2006.

Onto other topics... yeah, Kramer dude busted a gasket. I mean seriously. Check for yourself on youtube. I mean seriously, a sane person does not act like that. I really think that he slipped a disc or something, may something short circuited or something because normal people just don't act like that. And did he think the audience was going to support him. Uh, it wasn't like he was in West VA or Mississippi or something like that where he might have had a chance. And I am surprised a riot didn't break out, but then of course the story would have been turned to make Kramer look like the victim, so I am glad no one rushed the stage. This outburst was like Mel Gibson level. But at least Kramer really won't fall as much as Mel Gibson did because as the guy in the audience so eloquently put it... he's a nobody. And now we know that that erratic behavior he did when playing him was actually him, because no one can fake the kind of crazy he showed on that stage.

Now that Dancing with the Star's is off, there is nothing to watch on TV on Tuesday, which is to me, unacceptable.

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