Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kramer is at it again

Ok, so here Kramer is on Letterman explaining himself... and he is saying he is sorry and everything. Yeah, from first glance, you're like... good for him he is repenting... but yeah. It is so obvious, he is borderline racist, you know I mean seriously. It one of those things where I don't even think he really knows it, but it is just something inherent in his person. Dudes talking about Katrina, and "afro-americans" (I didn't think anyone really said that anymore...lol) and blacks and hispanics (I am not "hispanic" or anything... but I am pretty sure that it isn't exactly PC to say hispanic anymore. I'm not hating, I'm just saying)... and how he doesnt want to spark a black/white racial fued... yeah, it's just a lot.

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