Saturday, December 22, 2007

Over It!

I seem to have a knack for making the wrong choices in my life. I mean I really do. I don't feel like Ive made a right choice since deciding what high school to go to. I mean really. I feel like I made the wrong choice to leave my 1st college, I feel like I made some wrong personal choices while fresh out of college, I feel like I picked the wrong law school. And what is so crazy is I should have seen this one coming. I left the 1st college because of MONEY and I picked this law school because of MONEY. Money should never be what makes your decisions. Ever, I just believed then that it was too expensive for me to live in MD without a track scholarship (hells naw I wasnt running track for that team one more year...eff that) and I believed that living in DC/MD would be too expensive to go to law school there. I just feel like I have done the exact same thing that I did 5 years ago. I mean honestly. Did I not learn?

Yes, no choices are wrong choices, blah blah blah. But I just cant help but think this way. So in an effort NOT to double repeat my mistakes, I will stay my 2 and a half more years in TX, but just for the record, I think it was/is a stupid mistake my being there. I have no intention of ever staying in TX, so why did I even go? Because they were ranked #18? WTF? Come the hell on. I go to these networking things, and it is almost pointless because I do not want to work in TX. I am trying to get the bleep out of there ASAP. I have no idea why I didn't follow my first mind and go to one of the schools in DC where I was accepted. Plus, it is a well known fact, law firms hire most frequently from the local schools.... so someone just tell me what the bleep I was thinking.

This does not look like it is going to be a good break for me.... This is some ole bull ish man.

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