Friday, January 25, 2008

Pandora + Rhapsody = Happy Me

I have found the perfect combination... Rhapsody and Pandora. Rhapsody when you know specifically what you want to hear... Pandora for when you have a genre you want to listen to but you aren't sure what exactly you want to hear.

A couple of people told me about Pandora, but I wouldnt give it a change because I was so in love with my Rhapsody. But my dad called me and told me to go visit So I did just to make him happy lol. Yes, sometimes it is good to listen to your parents. Man... I have had a great last hour... I put in Brian Simpson got lots of good stuff. Put in Sizzla... oh man. I was transported. I was in my living room getting it all by myself. Oh shiz... why did Boom Bye Bye just come on? I am sent back man. Tears!

Perfect study aid for my man...

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