Friday, November 02, 2007

Law School and the Type-Aedness

Yeah, I'm sick of it actually. I do not like Type A people and type A people thrive and breathe here. So sick of it. For instance, this chick who I consider to be my friend but when she gets around "influential" people she just turns into a freaking ass kissing leech and it is not even cool. She will monopolize a conversation, just do anything to strive and it is so sad. There is a way to talk to people without being a freaking ass kissing gunner personn/thing.

And then today, Im in class before it starts and this dude was like, "So I wonder if any of the females in the class slept with any of the partners last night". (We had the first schoolwide Alumni reception aka smoozing session last night). It is just way much. He was saying that because it is true. Like for real. And the tension in that room was ridiculous... and why did one of the women I talked to say she was happy I wasnt trying to kiss her ass and just having a conversation.

I mean there really is a way to make connections without asskissing... it's really annoying and I don't like it.

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