Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Charm School Finale

Was anybody other than me surprised by the finale of Charm School? They were all crying and snotting... I actually think this show turned into something other than trying to get on TV for some of the girls. I was surprised. I mean all of them were snotting and carrying on. For a slight moment, they left me with a some warm feelings inside... but then I was like HOLD UP. This is Charm School, it's not even that serious.

I was happy Shay was not in the running. She wanted to act like the picture scandal was not her fault and she was all upset because they "turned on her". Trick you were acting like the third biggest b-word in that house (next to Larissa and Brooke) let's be real with out lives. You got what you deserved.

I am not sure what to think about the ending though. Yes Saaphyri deserved and needed the money and for that I am happy she won. BUT, based on what the show was supposed to be about, Leiline shoulda won. To me, Leiline definatly grew the most out of everyone. But then again, Saaphyri didn't have a home and stuff and they were trying to help her out... but I still feel like she didn't change at all.

All in all, I take back everything I said about this show before I watched it. It actually did have a good premise and turned out to be much better than Flavor of Love because it wasn't focused on shaking the goodies. However, I think Monique started feeling herself a little bit too much in that headmistress role. I think she really started believing that mess.

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