Monday, July 09, 2007

Charm School Reunion

First, let me say that as much as I like Monique and as much as I believe that she is a genuine person... I do believe she was putting on just a little bit. Second, WTF is wrong with these girls? I mean seriously... I saw no change in any of them except Saaphyri and Leiline... Saaphyri wanted that money so bad she figured she had to change. Let's go down the list:

Toastie: Uh did she even say anything?

Brooke: Can you say looney? I mean she is seriously a disgrace to women everywhere. I hope she doesn't think she's classy because that was the trashiest ish I have ever seen in my life. And why was she looking all hateful when they gave Leiline 10,000 dollars? I mean I know she didn't think she was going to get it after the way she acted... it's called Charm School for a reason...

Courtney: How dumb can you be? How is someone going to give you a entertainment deal and then you make a joke about them? Dumbest thing ever in life.

Saaphyri: Weave was much better than the finale. I actually think she did change, but stayed who she is at the core which is a good thing. I don't care what

Larissa: Ole fake @$$ New York. No, she can't even be classified as a New York because New York's whole villain persona is an act. Larissa is just straight up like that... like she's entitled to something. Sit down and learn how to talk... thanks. And I'm mad that her mom was backing the way that she was acting up. Not even OK.

Shay: Yeah... I still don't like her. I don't care. And I hate to say this, but I agree with Larissa, Shay was trying to act like she had nothing to do with the picture incident. Come on NOW.

Becky: She's funny. No, I'm still not laughing with her... I'm laughing AT her.

Shatar: Simply tripping... she really is in another world....Disney quite possibly.

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