Saturday, March 24, 2007

Yeah, so I am in the process of re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blod Prince (aka Book 6) and I am really starting to believe that this is just not a children's book. It stopped being a children's book after book 4, but I just don't see how they are going to do the movie of books 6 and 7 without them being rated R. I know the 4th one was rated PG-13, but in books 5 and 6 they are dealing with some pretty heavy stuff. I mean, I am pretty sure that little kids have NO idea what the stuff in the books 5 and 6 really mean. They were dealing with some pretty heavy stuff there.... Horcruxes though? I mean they are talking about splitting peoples souls by the act of killing and immortality and junk... what does a 2nd grader know about a soul? A better question is should they even be reading stuff like this?

Um, I am going to say the answer to that is no. Yes, the first three books were for children, but I really wouldn't want my kid reading this stuff. This is some adult stuff man... and what's funny about it, is I wish it could get even deeper but I know that it won't because it is technically a kids book.

Boo freaking hoo man.

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