Saturday, December 12, 2009

Slight Job Related Stress

So.....I really need to get this freaking PMF fellowship OK. Like the need is not a joke right now. My dad is freaking out about my decision to take the bar in Maryland. His main "supposed" argument is because I don't have a job as of yet. But I know that it is mainly because he wants me to be in California closer to him. But what did I say? I am not living my life for anyone else right now except myself.

The only thing about the PMF fellowships is that they are not attorney positions. But do I want to do legal work anyway? I guess I've always really wanted to do work in federal government... so does it really matter? But if I did get appointed as a fellow at an agency, I would still take the bar because that would just be silly now.... Silly. Oh I really hope I get this!

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