Saturday, December 06, 2008

Danny Jung

So I am totally feeling this saxaphonist named Danny Jung...I feel like he's the next Jeff Kashiwa (yeah, Jung is Korean and Kashiwa is Japanese...but bear with me). He's freaking awesome man. Where can I see this dude in concert? Why isnt he on the radio? He plays very clearly...kinda Kenny G. like...but totally not. He doesn't have to soul of Gerald Albright or Boney James, but he has his own unique style that has just enough soul so I don't call it hot garbage, but it's not overly funkdafied or soulful. Nice and melodic. Which is why I compared him to Kashiwa (besides the fact that they are the only 2 mainstream Asian American saxaphonists lol).

He has this song called, "Don't Ya Go Nowhere". Hotness. Check that ish out on imeem.

Also, theres this saxaphonist named

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