Friday, June 06, 2008

Randomness That Pertains to Nothing

1. Law school students (sans myself and a few choice others) are BORING. Oh my, the people at my job are soooooo boring man. I understand that we don't know each other, but is the only thing you can come up with to talk about is torts and contracts? And not like relevant issues, like talking about CLASS.

2. Those Real World people are alcholics. How are you going to have a recovering alcoholic come back in the house and these people still drink like sailors and constantly wake him up at 3am? Are you that rude and selfish that you can't even contour your actions one bit? Rizude! And Black dude was mad cuz he got kicked off. He needed to go. Sorry, he did.

3. The Sims2 is the most addicting game ever.

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