Monday, March 03, 2008

Election Predictions

So here are my predictions for some of things.

#1... Hillary Clinton is going to take Texas tomorrow. The same thing is going to happen in TX that happened in CA. She is banking on the "Hispanic" vote and is going to get it. Everytime you hear about Hil in TX, she is somewhere in the Valley. Everytime you hear about Barack, he is either in Austin, Houston, or Dallas. I'm sorry, it is what it is. If you want to get upset about it, look at the voting information from California. It is what it is. Typically, there are a few groups who vote for Barack; the educated, black people (namely women), and white people. Statistically, hispanic and asian people tend to vote for Hillary... I just feel like Barack is not going to be able to pull this one off... as much as I would like for him to.

#2... If Hillary takes Texas, McCain is going to be president come November. He doesnt really know he's not a real republican anyway so this may not be so bad...

#3... my student group is having elections and we are going to be absolutly screwed.

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