Thursday, January 22, 2009

Air and Simple Gifts

Man... I can't believe I forgot to elaborate. This was the perfect song for this moment. The song is broken up into three distinct parts. First, there is a sad almost solemn part...which to me symbolizes the distant past of America and everything as a people we have gone through.Then in the middle, it is a picks up and has a happy peppy feeling which symbolizes a change. Obama is that change. Hopeful change. Just a lot of symbolism there. It is what I would like to call a "Fruition Song".

Also, I loved that they played it right before Obama took the oath. Right in the middle, the "Obama is officially president" thing popped up on the...just overall beautiful. There was no point in this whole election race that moved me so that I had to force back tears.... But then again, what do you expect, It was composed by John Williams who has composed some of my favorite movie scores (Home Alone and Harry Potter just to name two).

Anyone who didn't appreciate that song, really doesn't appreciate music in general because that was amazing.

Go 'head on and check it out.

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