Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So apparently, the thought of my Torts final was just sooo rough for me that I blocked it out of my mind. I got my grade today, and it was a greeeeat grade, but I'm sitting here trying to remember the questions and I can't! I swore I had like failed that test, but I didn't...very very weird. The point being, is that I cannot remember anything about the test. I don't know how many questions were on the test, I can't even remember concepts. Honestly, I can't remember concepts from the GD class. Actually, I do think there was something about intentional torts on there... I think... lol. 4 more grades to go.

My teacher was being nice (I guess) and told us the grades were up so I felt it was necessary to check. Otherwise, unless I get a prompt that says my grades are up, I'm not looking. They aren't going to have my pressure up...sorry they just aren't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I'm a rising 3L and just want to say congrats on finishing up your first year. It IS a beast and it DOES get better from here on out. Trust me.