Saturday, September 29, 2007

Randomness that is Law School: Episode 1

Someone please tell me why my Constitutional Law book refer to slavery as "the slavery controversy"? I mean really. Controversy though? Yeah there were two sides fighting blah blah blah... but I am a little bothered that they referred to it as a controversy. Dumbing it down much?

I wrote a facebook post about how people really just refuse to wash their hands when they leave the restroom... should I post it here?

I absolutly love my Crim Law teacher. Yeah he has a unique way of teaching but whatever, get with it. Point being, my favorite quote came from him on Monday..."Don't have gratuitious shows of erudtion. It's not cool".

The 4th and 6th floors of the library smell like Crayola crayons. Like straight up Kindergarten.

I am loving this season called OCI... 20-something men in suits is freaking great. I mean seriously. Loving it.

This is just like high school because I have a Section crush...shameful I know. I can have a crush, I won't act on it though. I can't help it if ole dude looks like Chris Noth... is that my fault?

There is more to come, BUT I must return to reading about this so called slavery controversy.

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