Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Mexican Breakfast aka The Real "Single Ladies"
And you all thing Beyonce and her choreographers are so original.... naw son. Bob Fosse, Gwen Verdon, and two other random chicks were getting it 40 years before. Just saying. And I didn't think white women danced like that until the later 70's/80's. LOL.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Family Matters
Overall, this show was kinda funny though. In like an awful kind of way. Super scripted, but I still enjoyed. Where are the shows like this now? All we have now are stupid reality tv shows (do I like them...yes i do) no good black situation comedies. Sadness.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Is This Bourgie...or Just Different
I wonder if I will partake in these activities myself when I am older and more established AND if I will enroll me children in such things?
I say this because when I think of the Links and to a much less extent Jack and Jill, I think of mid to upper society black professionals... which I plan on being (yeah i said it so what). But at what point does that make me bourgie? I don't feel it does. I know my parents for sure were not and are not bourgie in the least and they made me partake in a lot of activities that were geared toward that particular group of black people.
So for starters, when I was growing up, my dad was a "prominent" black accountant in the area we grew up. So when I grew up, we had a little money. My parents sent me to a private school where I was one of two black people in my class. We lived in Oakland, and if you have the means, you do NOT send your child to an Oakland Public School. Even the ones in the good area of town sucked ass. So basically, in order to combat this onslaught of white people, they made sure they enrolled me in as many black centered activities and such as possible. I was part of a black ski club for most of my childhood, they always sent me to the YMCA summer camps, and other camps that were "black focused". When I grew up, there was the Jack and Jill thing. At this point I was the only black kid in my class...roughness. And then there was the Cotillion, which I thought was funny. I was forced into it, but it was one of the best experiences of my life. But whats really funny is, its basically a debutante ball, so you learn ettiquate and how to ballroom dance. I love how all the etiquette was pointless... as we already knew it. Come now...if ur in the Cotillion, you know etiquette...just saying.
I didn't realize that all black kids did not do this kind of thing until college. LOL. Seriously, I would talk about this stuff and the people had no idea what I was talking about. I don't think I realized what kind of life "that" was. I really thought it was the norm. Which brings me to my starting question. Am I going to enroll my children in things like this, AND be a part of the adult divisions myself? I think so... because even though it gave me a kind of skewed version of life, it was very beneficial to me.
Oh wait, on another front. Like I was saying, the black upper middle class (im leaving out the upper class... Im just including accountant, business, lawyers, and SOME doctors) in Oakland, was a rather small and tight knit community in the 90's and early 2000's. Not saying we all knew each other and all that crap. But you basically knew of everyone in some form. We all went to 1 of 3 high schools...yes there were outliers who went to private schools, but the majority went to either Bishop O'Dowd, St. Mary's or Holy Names. Why the catholic schools, I don't know. But I kid you not, this is where most of us went. I just think it is so funny. Half the black people at my school I knew from either summer camp, middle school dances (thats another thing, there was this league, I can't remember what it was called, but it had all of the good Private elementary/middle schools- Ecole Biliung, Athenian, Redwood Day School, Bentley, St. Paul's, The Academy, Head Royce, and some others... so we knew each other that way too), or the little social clubs.
So yes, just writing this, I know I am going to do it. Like I said, I came out of high school with a sort of skewed version of "the truth", but I think it was a good experience for me.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Aw Mike!
Anyhoo, so I'm listening to "Off the Wall" and looking at videos and I must say when his skin color was still brown (lol), he was getting it. His songs had a much more soulful feel and his tone was different too. He sounded kind "good" on a couple of those songs. I'm just saying. I especially liked when he talked/sang in the deeper voice (like on Get on the Floor and Burn This Disco Out)... it was kinda hot. lol. Can you say RANGE?
Why he have to go looney on us? Oh yeah cuz his dad beat his ass and didn't let him be a little kid and his brother had relations in the bed next to him (or so the movie says).
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Danny Jung
He has this song called, "Don't Ya Go Nowhere". Hotness. Check that ish out on imeem.
Also, theres this saxaphonist named
Friday, December 05, 2008
Is BL trying to get emotional on me?
But then he regained it with his summation, so it was OK. But that was immensly sad when he dropped the cards. And I must say, season 4 of BL may be the best season for issue oriented stuff, but its also kinda sad. There were a couple of moments where I felt sad. Never really felt sad before except in that episode where they executed that cute black guy.
I wonder what season 5 is going to be like.... aw Denny Crane!
Oh yeah and on a totally different note, they seem to be making Jerry more and more wierd. I dont like it. He started off being moderatly wierd, then he got a little better, now he's supposed to have Aspergers AND Tourettes? Really?
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Just saying, and generally it was awful. DONE.
True Blood Take 2
Anyhoo, so I decided to give True Blood another try and I must say, sans the gratuitous sex scenes, it is a great show. Like freaking great. I love the actor they got to play Bill, he's actually kinda hot...just saying. But my favorite is LaFayette. This guy kills every scene he's in. Seriously. I love that he's a "queen" but will get thug with it with no problem. LOL. Best scene of the movie; when the rednecks come in Merlottes talking bout LaFayette served them a burger with AIDS. He goes over to the table, effs em up real quick then says, "Bitch, you come into my house, you eat my food the way I FUCKING MAKE IT!!! Tip yo waitress." I'm sorry that was genius. Loves it man. Loves it.
I also like how they focus on other characters. Anna Paquin playing Sookie is irritating. Sorry it is. So its nice that they developed other characters like Jason, Sam and Tara. And I still love that they made Tara black. The best thing they coulda done. Just adds a little something.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Girl You Got A 10-Piece Please Dont Be Stingaaaaay
Places I am Going IMMEDIATLY When I Go Home...
1. King Wah
2. Get my eyebrows done (thank gooodness!)
3. In and Out
5. Coriander
6. Just walk around the big Westfield Mall in SF for no reason at all
7. Firebowl Grill or whatever it is called in the Metreon
8. Fisherman's Wharf...yeah I'm allergic to fish...but its the atmosphere man!
9. Yoshi's (SF or Oakland, I don't care)
Sooooooo ready to go home! Help me!!!!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Twilight the Movie
Plus I feel like when you see movies like this, it ruins the books for you. The Harry Potter books were ruined for me until the third movie. Well thats because the first two movies absolutly sucked. And I feel like Twilight is going to be like that.
I don't even know if I'll watch it on DVD. Just like the Sookie books were ruined by True Blood first sex scene for me... I don't think Imma risk it.
Can I Get Some Recognition?
Now I don't see them as boring. I see them as soothing. And I like the underbeats so I guess it is not boring for me. But I just don't understand why all music has to fit into some little category. I just feel like there is place in the market for both of these guys...and not the underground R&B market.
I just goes to show, you really gotta conform to whats good in the market or you will be cast as and peripheral character in the scheme of your given genre of music.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
So Beautiful
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bout to Witness History!
So excited! Even though we can't get into any of the good stuff, just being down there when all that happens is going to be sooooo exciting. Black people are going down there like it is a pilgramage (yes, I know white people are too... just go with me for the sake of argument). My friend and her mom bought tickets and hotel rooms for the election last year, "just in case" according to them.
People are flocking, and yes, I will be one of them. OMG!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Best Concerts Ever
Alex Bugnon
Wayman Tisdale
Keiko Matsui
Talib Kweli
Sean Paul
Wayne Wonder
George Clinton
Philippe Saisse
Richard Elliot
Go see any of these people live. No really. Do it now. Thanks
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
November 4, 2008
I don't think that I have ever been so anxious about something that was not family related in my lifetime. The whole day I have felt sick. Sick to my stomach. While I was volunteering at RSS, my stomach would not stop bubbling. I drove 80 miles an hour on the freeway to watch Obama give his acceptance speech. I am absolutely exhausted right now. There are just so many emotions that I feel right now.
During Obama's speech, I felt fear... I saw the bulletproof glass and realized this is real. This man's life is bout to be at danger every single day now. More than it was before this wonderufl day. This is not a joke. This man is the next president of America. Our president. MY president. How bout it.
But let me tell you when I lost it... when Michelle Obama and the kids came out. That man is so in love with his wife it is unbelievable. This is a man. this is a real man who deserves every bit of glory that he got tonight. EVERY bit. He is a regular man with kids, and a wife...a family. A black family, who will be in the White House.
So what do I feel.... freaking AWESOME. How about it!
Yeah, not to be corny, but I will always remember this day and I just wanted to memorialize it with a post.
Or maybe I am just stressed because I am taking the MPRE and 4 finals...who knows. No, I think I just hate it here.... I suck balls. I had a choice of 4 schools that accepted my in a city that I really wanted to be in... but, I ended up here. WHAT???? I must have some sort of mental issue.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
John McCain as the less talented Denny Crane
This fool is not all there...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Homesickness Is Back
First, it starts with food. Yes, I know it sounds silly, but I sooo miss the food. I miss In and Out, The Original Red Onion, Pear Street Bistro, Coriander, Firebowl Cafe, Hunan Villa, King Wah... geez I miss every place. And what makes it bad is that there is nothing comprable here.
Second, then the missing the weather comes on. Although it isn't so bad right now because it is techincally "cold" right now in Austin, but still. I miss wearing jackets and sweaters. I miss the nice cool breeze. I miss driving on 80 and seeing the Bay/Pacific Ocean. Yes, there's Town Lake, but that's a lake. There's a totally different feel to it. Can't explain it.
Third, then I start missing particular things about San Francisco. I don't be missing the city where I actually live, or Berkeley, or Oakland, but I miss San Francisco. I think because when I am bored at home, I just jump on the BART and go to San Francisco and the bordem is gone. I just go to that Westfield Mall, or the Macy's or Niketown, or take the F "cable car" to the piers, bike the Golden Gate Bridge (yes, those among things that I regularly do when I get bored at home). When my boyfriend came, we rented bikes and a kayak and did some cool things, but it was just not that same. I even miss...Walnut Creek... why Walnut Creek? I have NO idea. I don't even live there.
And finally (not necessarily because they are least important), I start missing my parents. So I hear that people need human contact to feel normal. I equate this to mean that people need to be touched and stuff. Being that I only let my parents and boyfriend huh me, this is kinda a problem huh. It's just wierd cuz my parents are like my best buddies, and even though I talk to my parents every day (except two weeks ago when my mom went on a cruise, which was torture) it's not the same because all I really want right now is a hug.... awwwwwww.
And what makes it even worse, Thanksgiving decided that it darn near needed to be in Decemeber this year, so I can't even go home for Thanksgiving. Sooooo upsetable about that one. But it doesnt make sense for me to go home for 3 days and pay gross amounts of money, to have to come back to Austin and then go BACK home in 14 days. Unfortunatly I am not quiiite balling like that.
But it's OK, I just needed to vent. Vent over, on to Crim. Pro.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Man...If Only I Had Money
Jazz Cruises too. They be having some hardcore line ups. This one, has The Rippingtons, Jeff Kashiwa AND Paul Taylor. Freaking classic. The Capitol Jazz Cruise had Marcus Johnson, Ledisi, and Eric Darius among others. Crazy yo!
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Rippingtons
My Weekends
I mean I really had fun and everything felt normal. I went last weekend because as I said, my mom was in Houston because she was going on a cruise and staying with my cousin the day before she left. I haven't seen my mom since August and I missed her so I said I'd drive 2.5 hours to see her. Yeah, best thing I could have done at this point in the game.
I had been super anxious and not at all wanting to be in Austin for about a week. My boyfriend had just visited and left and I felt all kinds of alone in TX. I got to see my favorite cousin-aunts (who were going on the cruise with my mom) and I got to see my cousins. I have a 5 and 3 year old cousins who I used to didnt like very much but they are some cool little kids. If Sugar Land was only an hour, I might go every weekends. Kids can sometimes make everything allll better.
And the drive is freaking awesome. 183 to 71 to 10 to 99... all scenic and stuff. Love it.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Kinky Curly Redux
I don't know if thats because my hair isn't really kinky in the first place. Well it kind of is, but its more on the curly side, it just gets really dry really easy. So I am thinking maybe I used TOO much product?
So I did it yesterday at about 10am...was outside for most of the day so when I went to sleep it was pretty much dry. So why I wake up and it was moist again? Should I have not slept with a bonnet?
AND my hair has this gross residue on it. I don't know what the bleep is going on, but I don't like it. Now, if I can't get any instruction on how to use it... Imma need a product refund. My hair is just wierd man. It doesnt take to anything.
Back to twisting it up for me!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
From G's To Gents
Especially Creepa. OK I'm not trying to have a defamation suit on my hands or anything of the like...but it was obvious to be that Creepa's mom had some "issues". Imm say issues, but we all know what was good with her. Anyway, so dudes dad was killed when he was young, so Creepa had to be the "man of the house". Now this happens in a lot of single mother/lower income households. The eldest boy is expected to take the roll of the father and fulfil everything that the father is supposed to do. The mom tells the boy, you need to step up and do what you need to do to take care of your family....
So OK, you have like a 12 year old boy, that doesnt even have an 8th grade education yet. What can he possibly do to take care of his the streets. The mom doesnt care that her son is out there with the filth and grime of life... she is concerned that she gets money to "feed the family". It's just sooooo sad. Dude was in HVAC school and he had to cash in his financial aid because he was supporing 8 people yo! Come on now.
I wonder how much of that 100,000 he gave to his mom?
Kinky Curly Curling Custard
Now its supposed to make your hair like when it is loaded with didnt happen. Personally I dont think I have a hair type. My hair is not a 4c, but its not a 4b, but then it is not a 4a either. I dont know what the hell it is. When it is wet, my hair shrinks tremendously. Not a small bit of shrinkage, I mean it draws up well over 50's below my shoulder when blown out and when wet it is above my chin.... and it is really really curly. AND it doesnt tangle except at the ends, where the bulk of the curl is.
Anyway... so the kinky curly did not work for my hair. Maybe because I didnt use a clarifying shampoo nor did I have the "knot today"...but still. I was hoping for SOMETHING. Basically, it took over 10 hours to dry and it wasnt dry completly and it shrunk worse than when i let it naturally dry...WTF yo? WFT.
At least it moisturized my hair like crazy... maybe I will use it to twist my hair.
Products just dont work for me.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Last Twilight Related Post Until I See The Movie
I cant put my finger on it, but it just read....wrong.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Who The Eff Are YOU
My Thoughts On TrueBlood
It was just too much sex. It really wasn't that much, but it's like... this isn't Anita Blake. There wasn't that much graphicness of the sex in the book... so why did they have to overdo it in the movie? I'm just saying. I know it is HBO and they kinda had to sell the series to more than just vamp readers...but still. I was actually turned off. So I guess that means I will be more happy with Twilight then huh?
I'm just saying, they coulda done the sex scenes with a little more class. Just because it was on HBO doesn't mean I'm tryna see all that.
But overall... I'm pretty happy. They got the plot. SO surprised they made Tara black. Love that! Her and Lafayette were the best part. "I don't give a good got damn". YES!
And we all know Sookie was supposed to be on the chonkay side. Why is she a size 4? Just saying.
Overall, I enjoyed beside the gratuitious sex parts. I will watch next week just to see if they tone it down. If they don't, Imma have to watch the rated version. Two thumbs up though.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
- Barack looked kinda good. I'm just saying. He had a nice edge up and everything. Plus the salt and pepper look is hot.
- Michelle hired a hair stylist and might have had some tracks put in. She looks good as well. No homo.
- Loved all the John McCain and Bush jabs.
- WTF is wrong with Obama's youngest daughter? Im just saying. ADHD maybe? And the older one is just so chill.
- I watched every night except Bill Clinton... he has yet to be forgiven from me.
- Hilary didn't look too haggard when she spoke either.
OK I'm done judging.
WAIT, did Obama just say, "Bush won't even follow him (Osama) to the cave he lives)... lol. Oh My Gosh!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Random Musings
I am back in Texas and have that SAME empty feeling again. This summer was great. I was around people I love and who love me. Its not that I don't have friends here, but it's kinda different. EVERYONE I love is back in mom and dad, my boyfriend, my best friend. It's like there are people around me, but I still feel alone. Here's to another long and somewhat lonely 9 months.
So I am trying to get through both "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn" before school starts on the 27th. I think that is a possibility. So I am reading this book and realizing that there are probably soooo many little wierd teenage girls that go to sleep wishing they were Bella and wishing their Edward would come for them. Edward is not coming for you. Sorry he's just not. LOL. I still can't get over how well she captures human emotion. Eclipse is sooo much better than stupid ass New Moon. I really was re-thinking about reading Eclipse after that disappointment of a book but it was so much better. Yessir...such a good book. Oh yeah and she has a book called, "The Host" kinda sounds like some Octavia Butler ish.... I might like.
Oh yeah, is anyone else upset that they got NIKKI REED to play Rosalie Hale? Not happy in the least bit. She plays a whore in every movie (not that I am not calling her a whore cuz I don't know her) and Rosalie was not a whore. Does she have enough range to pull this off? Plus I just don't imagine Rosalie looking like that. At first the only one I was happy with was Bella... Kirsten Stewart is perfect for that. But Cedric Diggory (sorry, I don't know his real name) has grown on me for Edward.
I think Imma name my pet Cullen after Edward Cullen and Cullen Jones... I'm just saying. It's a hot name. LOL.
I fly had the nerve to die on my toothbrush last night. So rude. Needless to say CVS was my first stop this morning.
So sick of Michael Phelps...yes he's freaking great but I'm tired of seeing the same personal interest story of him and his mom like 8 times. And the other people on the relays did stuff... ask them some questions. They act like he swam the GD relays himself.
China cheats... sorry they just do.
I think I am done for the day.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
SOMEBODY was wierdly effected by Donnie Darko...Im just saying
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
And Another One
I mean seriously. Yes, family guy is kinda stupid and gross and they curse, but I feel there are more gems than faults...
Monday, August 04, 2008
And Then Another Heh Heh Hhe Heh Heh
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Harry Potter 7
Monday, July 28, 2008
This is a really serious question. I'm not talking about physical attraction. I am talking about someone's essence. Their inner being. Just something to ponder.
What Happened Guys?
I'm tryna figure out what happened to D'Angelo too. He turned into a fat crackhead (I thought those two terms were mutually exclusive by the way). There is noone who can harmonize with themselves like D'Angelo could. Seriously, listen to his harmonies on Brown Sugar. It'll make you fall out.
I think both of them are coming out with a comeback album... I wonder how they will do know that neither of them are no longer "the sexyness". We'll I know I'd probably buy them... on Rhapsody at least.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Not Really Feeling Bella Anymore
I know they are trying to make Bella be, "Bella EveryGirl" but there is a limit. I can't wait till Edward comes back so she'll stop being so GD annoying.
GA DAMN! And don't hate because I'm irritated with Bella.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
But the main difference is the straight up emotion. I'm talking you actually feel for these characters. You feel how much Bella needs Edward and you can feel the pull and push factors that Edward has toward Bella. Seriously though, it is almost heartwrenching.
For instance, I started on "New Moon" last night (actually, Im around 1/3 done with the book in a sitting)... and the the third chapter had me kind of upset. When he left her, I was kinda upset, and then when they had the 4 pages with the months and nothing on it... I just got kinda sad. LOL. I mean that was genius right there.
I also think part of the difference between the two books is that nature of the vampires in the two books. In the Sookie books, the vamps are out and everyone knows about them. In the Bella books, they are not out and only a few select people, including Bella and the weres know about them. Also, the vamps in the Bella books seem to be a bit more ravenous too. Any trace of blood sets them off.
Anyway, if you like vampire books like the Sookie books, then the Bella books would be a good choice. But if you read vampire books for the carnal relations, don't read it... this is nothing like Anita Blake (or so I hear cuz I refuse to read her)
No Words Son...
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Felony Murder Rule is CRAP
There are two cases RIGHT NOW that are being deliberated by juries in Contra Costa County and San Francisco County Superior Courts that deal with the felony murder rule. They are both heartwrenchingly sad.
Case one. The Defendant is charged under the CA Provocation Act with the murder of his TWO BEST FRIENDS. The defendant and his two best friends (3 African Americans) broke into a man's house, none of them had guns or anything btw. So the owner, an white man shot and killed two of the boys and the defendant is getting charged with it. Dude ain't even have a GUN and he is charged with the murder of his two best friends. I just cannot handle that. He has to be reminded every day that he goes to court of what happened, and then get BLAMED for their death? Just because the shooter has an "affirmative defense" doesn't mean ole boy that never even had a gun at that time should take the fall. That is straight up TRASH.
Case two. The defendant is charged with murder under the felony murder rule. Last year in 2007, he was on trial simply for murder, which was declared a mistrial (7 non guilty, 5 guilty). The DA's office totally revamped their plan and decided to go for the felony murder route. Basically, it was a drug deal gone bad, one person was killed and some weed came up missing. Perfect circumstance for felony murder. There is NO DNA linking him to the crime, there is nothing. Nothing but some phone records that he talked to the drug dealers. I mean there is absolutely NO PROOF of anything. BUT they believe that he was part of the "robbery" that resulted in a death. Biggest crock of shit I have ever heard.
Wait! There's more! So in the previous trial, dudes co-defendant admitted that he shot the person that got shock HOWEVER it was deemed inadmissible in court. Basically, that information could not go to the jury because of the way it was presented. Which is boo-boo. And the co-defendant is a career criminal who is currently in jail RIGHT DAMN NOW for torturing a mother and a daughter. WTF?
Yeah, I know the felony murder rule is supposed to serve as a deterrent to criminal activity... but most of the time, as is illustrated by these two cases its used as something when you can't find anyone else to charge and you are trying to charge someone. So unfair and sad. Are they trying to make an example? What the hell is going on?
And let me say, putting either of these two young men is NOT going to bring back the deceased people. It simply is not. I know they want to put someone in jail, but is it really fair to put someone who is soooo removed from the actual killing in jail? I don't think so.
And I do not cry much, but if either of these two are found guilty, Imma flip out. These dudes are around my age and their lives are OVER because of something they didn't do. Something that happened 3 years ago, and because of a poor choice in judgment, they are suffering for the rest of their lives.
So I REALLY know now that criminal law is not for me. I get way to emotional. I mean, I don't know either of these young men, but I feel for them and will be personally hurt, and maybe even a little distraught if either one is convicted. I'm so upsettable right now...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Will so shoulda been gone, but I mean I can even understand why he is gone. Its not that he didn't have personality, its just that people didn't like him. Why? Because he was good and he wasn't overly goofy. The same reason Danny didn't win. He was quite and let his dancing speak for him, which unfortunatly is not enough in this competition.
Um, why am I just realizing how hot Mark is? I'm just saying. He is really kinda getting it in the wierdest of ways.
And did Twitch make the best transformation ever? When they were showing the personal interest clips and they showed old pics of him... he was straight up UUUUGLY. But now, that fool gets it on 72 levels. I mean, I look at that screen and want to jump though every time. Do not LET me be in the same room with that fool. Ga DAMN!
And sorry to say it, I'm glad "comfit" is finally gone. For real for real.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Isabella Swan v. Sookie Stackhouse?
So, for about a year now, I have been in love with the Sookie Stackhouse Novels by Charlaine Harris. Basically, the books are about this cocktail waitress from a small Louisiana town who can read minds. Oh yeah, at this point, vampires have been exposed and live together with humans, although most humans dont like them all that much. Anyhoo, so Sookie meets a vampire named Bill and her world gets turned upside down. She basically gets in thralled in the vampire/supernatural world. She relates 2 vampires and were (who are like enemies BTW), her brother marries a were, she finds out she has part fairy... just a whole bunch of ish. Pretty good books in my opinion. So Charlaine Harris has written like 7 of these books and I just finished the last one like 2 weeks ago. I kinda refuse to buy the 8th book from amazon as it as not been in any Barnes and Nobles that I have visited.
Long story short, I heard about the Twilight series from Stephanie Meyers. Yes yes, I know the vampire thing has been played out and Charlaine Harris was def not the first to think of the idea. But for some reason, I kinda feel like Stephanie Meyers read some of Sookie Stackhouse and went from there. Like for real. This is not to say I don't think the book is good. I just got the book yesterday and I'm already around page 200...very good book. But I do think that in my preliminary stages of reading...there are serious similarities (and let me say that I do not mind...did I not say I liked the Sookie book? Why would I not want to read more of it?)
First, Bella is like Sookie...just not dumb and a mindreader. They are both some what outcasts, but for some reason, dudes just seem to love them. But no, they arent interested in these dudes, they are only interested in weird dudes. Oh yeah and they are both insanely clumsy and drawn to accident. Now, I don't really see Edward Cullen as Bill... I see Edward more like Eric. No?
Second, they are both set in little nowhere ass towns where the vamps are like outcasted and are the biggest talk of the town.
Third, this has not been confirmed, but it seems as though Jacob is a were. Bella dreamed he was a were and I think that he is. Now for Sookie, she had so many weres in her life I can't even explain.
And why is there always someone trying to kill these fools? I'm just saying.
Well, I am sure I will have great raves on this when I finish the book, which will prolly be 3 days. (I have to finish 4 books by the third week of August, as I will be forced to put leisure reading off for another 9 months).
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I Love The New Millineum
I miss my Austin apt... not the weather, but my apt.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
If Jamie Lynn Spears had not been on Zoey 911... that would be a normal thing where they are from. Also the only reason people are making such a big deal about the kids in Gloucester, Mass is because they are white kids. Let that have been any other race; people would not have cared.
I am just saying. It's been a big deal for decades and NOW we want to do something about it? Oh Lort.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Are Blacks Getting A New Role On Reality TV Shows?
Anyway, I mean can you BELIEVE it? 4 blacks and 3 whites? I didn't think this was even allowed. And beside the stupid punk that walked in with that shirt... they don't seem like total sell outs. TOTALLY am happy about this.
Another thing, on SYTYCD... I stated yesterday that the black people were representing! They have 6 out of 20 this year which is a good percentage being that usually its about 2 out of 20. Anyway, so on the group performance today... they featured the black dancers... which they NEVER do (except that one Mia Michael's piece that I LOVE that featured Danny). Yes, it was a hip hop dance, but I'm just like OH SHIZOOT, are we getting some airplay son? QUAT!?
And even more random (not this next thing does not match)... but Michelle Obama put it down on the view. This chick is my freaking idol. And let us not call her "Michelle Oballbuster"... she just puts it down. That's all. And her outfit was banging too... sans her hair, which I am not sure what she was doing with that.
Oh man! I love (educated and well-doing) black people! And let me put this disclaimer. I am not nor have I ever been nor will I ever be anti-white. I am just SUPER PRO-BLACK! YAY!
Maybe I feel all this black love because of Juneteenth? Who knows WHERE this is coming from
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Twitch is hot...sorry he is
Anyhoo, the black dudes are holding it DOWN on SYTYCD. Seriously, Will gets it...he is like this seasons Danny (minus the 14 pirouettes in a row). The black guy from Dallas with the braces did his thing on Broadway. Totally overshadowed his little partner. And lastly Twitch totally got it.
Everyone else seriously. If it wasn't for Twitch and Will's hotness this season, I would not be tuning in. Comfort was OK, but yeah that's it.
And what was Nigel's issue? Talking about dude didn't grab his crotch enough? LOL. Hi-larious
Saturday, June 14, 2008
1. Why was a nice and clean "giving of dap" dubbed as a possible terrorist fist bump? I'm just curious. WTF is that about?
2.. Since when is it OK to call someone a Neanderthal. Yeah, i don't remember what radio show it was, but someone said Michelle Obama looks like a Neanderthal? And why is that? Is it because she is black? Is it because she is darkskinned? Is it because she has short hair? I mean tell me what it is... I would gladly like to know what makes this classy and highly respectable black woman look like a Neanderthal. Thanks in advance.
3. Why is it wrong to vote for Obama because it is black....when half of the country has made it clear that they will NOT vote for him BECAUSE HE IS BLACK?
4. Why was my Electric Bill 25 dollars last month and I was there the whole 30 days and it is now 30 dollars and I was only in my apartment for 10 of the 31 days in May? Why also did I unplug all of my appliances and turned off all my air. I mean WTF... don't think I'm stupid. I am not paying it. They are going to get so tired of me calling...
5. This season of SYTYCD sucks. It's like why on their little personal interest stories at the beginning are they already trying to show personality? It's like, we don't know you so all and all, you look kinda dumb.
6. Why did they take the best part of the DQ commerical out? They took the part out after the baby spells "antidisestablishmentarianism" and then does the little eyebrow raise. I'm sure some crazy parent was like... "It's not cute to post children sassing thier parents. This can bring about imitative behavior"... Oh STFU... you just ruined the commerical. Thanks a bunch for your lunacy.
7. I think that is it... ChEA!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Um, I Can't Even Complete A Complete Sentance
Keiko Matsui is such a show(woman), and she has so much personality for a lady of such small stature. I mean seriously.
The concert started at 8:00pm but I got there at 5:30 to get my seat. Got almost a front row center seat in one of the circular booths so I was RIGHT THERE behind the piano to see the action. Oh my goodness. I still can't believe it.
If you have any like (it doesn't even have to be love) for jazz music and/or the piano, seeing Keiko Matsui live is a must. I can't even find the words to explain how good she is. All I can say is she tells a story with her music; and to hear her on CD and see her in concert is a whole nother thing.
AND she's gonna be in Austin in October, hellsa going back to see her. OH MY GOSH!
KEIKO MATSUI KILLED IT SO HARD TONIGHT THAT I AM SPEECHLESS...which doesn't happen often, so you know it was amazing.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
2nd Best Commercial Ever
Now the third best one is an AT&T commercial with the Dad on the ridge... I've got zero bars up here Kelly Moore.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Decisions Decisions Decisions
Well Imma at least try to make it to three shows. Thats 100 dollars. I don't do much of anything, I think I deserve a treat. Probably Keiko Matsui, The Rippingtons, and Gerald Albright.
This technique seemed like a good idea so I tried it on my way to Costco today. Yeah, good in theory...fatal in fact. I say this because it seems that it causes more traffic and issues on the road. Or if we are going to do hypermiling then EVERYONE must be required to do it OR there should be like specific hypermiling lanes and streets.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Who Are The Best Hip Hop Dancers?
For choreographed stuff, Imma have to go with the Asians. I mean come on, lets just look at America's Best Dance Crew season 1 and the prelims. Oh my, Kaba Modern and Jabbawockeez (who had all Asians and one Black) were straight killing it every single week. And this group that I just watched on America's Best Dance Crew 2 auditions were sick son! I think they were called So Real Cru or something of that nature... I mean straight up getting it. So impressed.
I think they are going to win (So Real Cru)... or they should. Getting it son.
Oh yeah, and black people are better club dancers.
And no I'm not being racist. Thanks so much in advance for your concerns. lol.
I Could Not Have Been More Wrong
Yay, Si Se Puede! All I have to say is... John McCain if you eff this up for me!
I Like To Dream...
What the bleep does that even mean? I think it is obvious that "Magic Carpet Ride" was written while these people were high. I mean just listen to the lyrics. It makes absolutly no sense. Sorry, it doesn't. Its a hot song though.
And speaking of liking to dream... I wanna be a latin ballroom dancer. Well I don't wanna be LATIN, but I want to learn to do the latin ballroom dances. BAM!
Do You Want Me To Be Inside?
From Boney James feat. Jaheim... Ride. I loved this song when it came out about 5 or so years ago, but I recently heard it on the radio. This song gets it son. Sorry, it just does. Actually Boney James has gotten it since about 1998, but I kinda got tired of him because all of his stuff started to sound the same. Boneyard and Grand Central are good choices as well.
Now, for some reason, I am hearing his stuff a bit more (oh I know why, because I am back in the bay area and we actually have a jazz station here) and I just remembered how tough he gets it.
Take for instance, Pure. Freaking great song. That would be a song you listen to when you are driving down a coast, just chill. And to be honest, he isnt' the greatest saxaphonist, and yes he is very commercial, but it is he beats and compososition that set him apart.
You know what lets just do this for the heck of it. Imma post my favorite song from each album. Shoo I already started to.
So lets move on to Shine, which was his last album and admittedly I was not feeling this album. He had two good ones, Hypnotic with George Benson and In The Rain with Dwele. This song reminds me of the Starbucks on Center and Oxford...studying for the LSAT... very boo. Still a good song though.
Now Shake it Up with Rick Braun. There were actually a couple that I really liked on here. Grazing in the Grass has been done so much and they really didn't add anything to it. But RSVP was kinda hot on the other hand. Once again it is the programming and composition.
So Body Language was probably may favorite or second favorite of his albums. You can almost play this one straight through. Let's start with Are You Ready. I like this one because it is softer and smoother than a lot of his stuff, but it still gets it. It does sound a bit like Kenny G. at times, but the beats kill that notion quick. The title track Body Language gets it on so many levels. If this song is not sexy, I don't know what is. Like for real. Oh wee... Now Bedtime Stories. From the very first beats you are entranced. Just gives you chills. All the rest are solid.
Sweet Thing was the first Boney James CD I bought in 9th grade. Good memories. The first three are the best. The rest is solid. Words (unpoken) is hauntingly good.
Yeah, going through this list of CD's I do see how someone might say that Boney started to get unoriginal and uninspired. When we get to Seduction, it is kinda clear. The title track is like everything I said about all the other songs wrapped up into one. Camoflauge and Sara Smile are solid as well.
Is it wrong that I have never heard any of the songs from Trust? Maybe because I could never find it.
Backbone was OK, but probably my least favorite. I liked Just Between Us and thats about it. I love the way the soprano and alto saxes, "talk" to each other. Kinda Hot.
Woo, that just took me back.! Good stuff. I'm glad Smooth Jazz is not dying like hip hop and R&B are. Thanks guys
Friday, June 06, 2008
Randomness That Pertains to Nothing
2. Those Real World people are alcholics. How are you going to have a recovering alcoholic come back in the house and these people still drink like sailors and constantly wake him up at 3am? Are you that rude and selfish that you can't even contour your actions one bit? Rizude! And Black dude was mad cuz he got kicked off. He needed to go. Sorry, he did.
3. The Sims2 is the most addicting game ever.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I am very excitable for this season. Wootie hoo. Be excited with me; thanks!
If This Isn't The Most Beautiful Picture I've Ever Seen I Don't Know What Is

And I say this for a couple of reasons; yes blah blah he is the democratic candidate blah blah. Now I am in no way trying to say that it isn't a feet, but it has been beaten to death.
Now why I think it is beautiful, is, you can guess...SHE is black. A powerful black man that is not afraid of a smart and sucessful darkskinned black woman. Hot business. And another thing, she is not sterotypically pretty for a black woman(long hair and light skin) a very successful (come ON he is the democratic presidential candidate folks) black man is married to her. I just think it is hot. Sorry, it is.
Friday, May 30, 2008
But BOY was it fun!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Um, How Bout Greatness?
And lets not forget Shanice. She killed it here. I didn't know it was her on this song either. Well they both deserve mad props, I mean this is live... people just do not sound like this any more.
Lemme treat you to "What A Fool Believes" with Mr. McDonald since apparently I never posted that one. Great son. Great.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
So Apparently We're Scary Now
So I got on Yahoo! about three hours later, and they changed it from "scariest" to "most imposing". Ha! Apparently someone else felt the same way about it as I did.
Guess What?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Big Mama
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My teacher was being nice (I guess) and told us the grades were up so I felt it was necessary to check. Otherwise, unless I get a prompt that says my grades are up, I'm not looking. They aren't going to have my pressure up...sorry they just aren't.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Real World XX
Actually the dudes aren't all that bad, but the girls are all a hot ass mess, but for different reasons. Brianna is just all kinds of out of control. I'm not a stripper because it is who I am, I just do it for my job.... BUT you look like one of the chicks standing on San Pablo Blvd in Emeryville circa 11:30pm.
Now, the other two girls... without getting on too much of a racial kick (and know that I am censoring myself a whole lot)... are playing the Scarlet O'Hara card THICK. They are two of the most judgmental (and unattractive) chicks I think I have ever seen on TV. Talking all this ish like you are pure...and you are both whores. Yes, I myself would never strip, but I'm not going to just condemn all that do because you don't know what's up with thier situation.
I mean that chick said, "Stop acting Ghetto and let's act proper...blacksville"? What kinda crap is that? You need to let me know when you figure it out. And what made that situation even worse, is SHE was the one acting ignorant. It's just so frustrating how our society works. I just hate how a lot of times, it is ignorant ass people like this running the world and somehow it is OK. If they say things like this, people just want to say they were out of line and not say what it really is...they are racist and it's fine.
The two white dudes are kinda just drunks for the most part. And why does that dude look like a reincarnation of Brad from San Diego? I'm just saying. The two black what to say that won't get me in trouble. All I will say is... they had a Kefla once, and they will never have one again. LOL.
4 words to sum this season up. Hot Shi&&y @$$ mess.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
That's Why You're The Press Secretary Boo Boo!
Hella morally wayward country runners and ish.
But yeah, Charlie Wilson's War was good.
Frank Sommerville? Really Though?
Dennis Richmond can't leave. I remember watching him when I was three and always asking why his eyes were so red (I'm proud to say they have cleared up as of late). But yeah... I can't believe he's leaving. Maybe it will be like Book 7 of Harry Potter, I won't watch it so it is like it really isn't ending. lol. Or not.
No judgment. I think they should bring back Elaine Corral... maybe Leslie Griffith. Yeah, not no Frank Somerville!
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Hill's Raised My Pressure
#1... trust fund-esque people need to be slapped
#2 Heidi is so dumb, its one thing that she got back together with Spencer, but how do you just blow an opportunity like that? She just killed all of her business equity. You just do not do that. That was a little kid move
#3... They acted so much better on Laguna Beach... well actually, I think just Whitney and Spencer's sister are awful and it just kills everything.
#4 Lauren is kinda dumb, I'm just saying. I don't understand why everything in her life is so dramatic.
With all that said, I still like the show. And what? Say something about it
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sit Your @$$ Down!
In any ordinary circumstance, this will definately be inappropriate and disrespectful. However, LeBron's mom NEED someone to tell her to sit her behind down. Usually, you hear that parent telling the kid that, not the other way around. Comical
I just think it is funny how LeBron is NEVER in trouble but his mom always is. Funny
Thursday, May 08, 2008
T minus 3 and a half hours...
My advice to the future Class of 2011... well it's not advice really but just something to think about.... Everyone tells you that law school is hard and that it is one of the most stressful things that you will ever go through. Yeah, you have no idea. Everyone can tell you that it is stressful and difficult and emotional, but you will not truly understand how much until you go through it.
August-Oct. 31...they lure you into a false sense of security. You're like...I don't get what everyone is talking about. Yeah, come Nov 1...that'll change. And it's OK. It is what it is.
Also... anyone who says they truly enjoyed law school might have some issues. I don't think you are supposed to enjoy it. Its like a filtering device, just like the LSAT was and just like the Bar will be. In my class of 100... 5 have dropped out. It's rough man. This is not to say that I didn't enjoy myself this year, I met tons of cool people and learned a lot of really interesting things...but the actual school and finals experience is NOT pleasant.
I think it is all worth it in the end...but Class of 2011, please know what you are getting into. I would never try to discourage anyone from going to law school....but all I say is be prepared to feel the dumbest you have ever felt, the smartest you've ever felt, the craziest you've ever felt, the happiest you've ever felt (when you get that 1L job), and the most stressed you've ever felt all in the course of 9 months.
Now, lemme go assault this Civil Procedure test. I don't think Imma quite kill it... but Imma try to assault it pretty badly.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Like A Mexican Princess On Fire...
Look At Me With A Brand New Hyundai
Friday, May 02, 2008
Light Up My Life Like Diamonds and Pearls
Oh yeah, I graduated from middle school 10 years ago....gaaaaa dog
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Hot Garbage
Monday, April 21, 2008
Girls Night!
She's so irritating
Friday, April 18, 2008
Pieces of a Dream
The consistently put out stuff that is good. It has a same difference to it if that makes any sense. Their pieces have a uniqueness about them that you pretty much know that it is Pieces of a Dream but every album sounds different
I think what makes them so good is they know how to mix the piano with R&B rhythms... a lot of people claim that they do this...but not so. Most people just infuse R&B elements... but they have the whole package. And somehow they do not lose the smooth jazzness. Stix Bones is one who uses R&B and Hip Hop rhythms but his music sounds undeniably like R&B and Hip Hop. Somehow Pieces of a Dream are able to mix the piano with the sax and beats JUST right that it is an amalgamation of both.
What prompted this is because while listening to Pandora, I heard a song of theirs I had never heard. Turning it Up. Hotness... loving it.
RESPE Respect Me!
And she said it like that ish was hot... I was embarrased for her.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Paul Hardcastle v. The Jazzmasters
To me, they are the same thing... but if anyone can tell me different, I'd appreciate it. lol
Rank It Up!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Miss Rap Supreme
"I'm in the paint tryna strangle a bitch..."- Hedonis da Amazon
Yeah it might not seem that funny but you HAVE to see it... she was hella scary with it which was why that ish was so funny.
"While you was throwing change I make it rain a million dollas. I know I'm not jewish but I still love me some Challah!!!!"
Someone needs to explain what Khia is doing on there? She was straight garbage, just like she was in 8th grade. Come on now son. Go home.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
One Word
Speaking of that song... that is one of the best piano breakdowns like ever. The notes aren't complicated or anything... it just goes so well with the music.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
I Don't Fight Fair... I Use Weapons Hookuh!!!!
"I'm from Connecticut, I need something conservative" (a stripper/porn star when buying lingerie)
"Let here come to Brooklyn... they'd eff'a up... yeah they'd eff'a up... yeah they'd eff'a... yeah they'd eff'a up" - Hanna and Tanisha
"Pop off son... POP OFF!" - Tanesha
"You're fat and you're sloppy and you're mopey and you're dopey" - Naveen
"You're not going to see my birth canal all over youtube." - Naveen
Monday, March 31, 2008
Life is Subjective, So is Civil Procedure
Anyway, so I think I have finally decided what vien of law I want to go into... get ready for it.... Property! Namely real estate and wills and estates. Why property do you ask? Well it is more of a practical thing. The subject does interest me, but more, there will always be steady work in this field and I won't have to work for the man. Yeah, this is actually the main reason. I don't want to work for the man... I want to work for PEOPLE.
Yay, two claps for me for deciding what I want to do with my life...YAY!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
With You With You With You!!!!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song
"I'm not gonna write you a love song cuz you asked for it... cuz you NEED one". Rough.
"If all you have is leaving Imma need a better reason to write you..." Rough x2. "If you're heart is nowhere in it I don't want it for a minute" Rough but true. And my favorite,
"Babe, I'll walk the seven seas if I believe that there's a reason to write you...a love song... today".
Loving it.
George Michael
Thursday, March 20, 2008
My Old Man Crush
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
American Idol 3/18
Kristy Lee Cook needs to be gone... how bout it?
David Archuleta is a good singer yes, he bores me though.
Brooke White... I honestly like her. She seems nice and her voice is cool though. Why does she never stand up though? She is always sitting on something... although she did stand up today. She is an awful dancer.
I enjoyed David Cook as well. I like the gruffiness of his voice. Although I seem like David Cook and Michael Johns might be the same person.
I actually liked Carley Smithson tonight. I usually don't like her... but I liked the deep voice thing. Enjoyed.
Syesha kinda irritates me. Not sure why. I didn't enjoy the soprano range.
Did Chikezie really get up on the stage and play the harmonica? And I'm sorry, I didn't enjoy him. I usually do, but this country thing... wasn't hot to me. In the least. I agree with Randy... it was strange.
Ramiele...what to say. She has a good voice, but I am never impressed.
All in all... American Idol sucks seriously this time around.
Stop the Hate!!!
Presilla Pressily was getting it too. I mean she's 62... most 62 year olds can't even walk and she's up here doing the death spiral? What!
I was impressed by Marlee Matlin as well. Not because she is hearing impaired but because she actually did pretty good. Although I feel like Dancing with the Stars might be starting to typecast. Yes I know all of the people want to do it, but they always have the black athlete, the pretty girl, the old person, and now they are starting to have the disabled person. They are starting to cast.
All in all, Dancing with the Stars might be in for a good season.
Oh yes.. Tony Dovolani is the new Maksim. And Louis Van Amstal is back, YEAH!
Frankly My Dear...
If this isn't the classiest way to own someone... I just don't know what is...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Musings of a Reality TV Junkie 3/17
So the first night... I was highly unimpressed except for Mario's pelvic grind/thrust thing... that was very impressive. All of the rest were gosh awful. And Adam Corolla was all kinds of awful and then had an attitude because he got a 15. Come now. And what is up with the Samantha announcer lady. I mean, they know that she cannot speak well so why is she doing a "live" TV show? I mean really. She blabbered a couple of incoherent sentence fragments tonight... it makes for good TV though
Flavor of Love
Highly confused about Flavor of Love 3. Yes, I still watch this show and I am not sure why. This show is a hot mess. I mean for real. Message to Flav, there is something called hearsay that you need to learn about. I am not going to teach you about the legal version... I'll just give you the layman's definition. Information that was not received from the person who actually said the information is held as inadmissible evidence because it is not reliable. People can change the story on purpose or on accident... On the last two episodes, he has taken the word of one person over the other without even really asking all that he could to find out the truth. On this episode, Miami (I don't know the ridiculous way he spelled it) was not lying and he put her through all that ish giving her an "immunity clock". I mean come on, she was being honest and you just assumed she was lying. WTF? You suck Flav. And now you have a bunch of chicken-heads up in goodness
And I can't tell if I like the twins... I am going with no...simply because they don't speak very well. Their verbiage never agrees and it is quite distracting. Also, I'm not sure why they always have to say the same thing. It is quite annoying
Making the Band
I am ashamed to say that I might like Danity Kane. They seem like they would be really cool people, well all except Aubrey. But those dudes are another story. The suck... every note does not have to sound like you are constipated (Brian)... honestly. And they all have that ridiculous black man Alpha dog syndrome. It's called take a back seat because you aren't as good as you think you are... I'm just saying.
Diddy killed the whole "bitchassness" thing. Like for real. It was funny the one time he used it in context with Robert, but he uses it in every episode and even made T-Shirts? You totally killed it. It's over now. Thanks.
Rock of Love
Oh my, if I was anyone of those chicks at the end of Sunday's episode, I would have quit the show right then. I mean honestly. You get rid of this crazy chick and then just walk out on the other girls without a goodbye. Yeah yeah its a TV show, but I mean just for that reason I would have walked out. You are not going to just up and disrespect/embarrass me like that. And those chicks just walked off like stray puppies... naw son. Would not go down like that. Lo Siento patna.
That's Amore
Yeah, um that dude is the sloppiest kisser I have ever seen. There is no cause for his bottom lip to have touched ole girls chin. I'm just saying.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Please stop hating on Guitar Hero
Also, I dont understand why people get upset when they said they heard a song from Guitar Hero. Like hearing a song off the radio or buying the CD is so much more respectable. I am a person that does not really listen to the how am I supposed to hear the music of a genre that is not really my #1 choice? I mean really... There are a lot of songs on my iPOD now that I only heard from GH, so does that mean my appreciation of them is any less?
Yeah I dont think so.
Monday, March 03, 2008
The Law School Machine
I went into law school KNOWING that I wanted to work in Civil Rights, Education Law or some other public interest area. Three months into my law school experiance, my mind somehow miraculously changed to CORPORATE LAW. Yeah I mean I NEVER wanted to do this, but somehow this was now my new passion. Why? Some of it was because of peer pressure and most of it was from people who were technically not my peers. I mean teachers, and career counselors give it the most.
Anyway, after spending approx 100 dollars on sending my resumes out and such and going to firm receptions and interviews and such...I realized that working 65 plus hours a week and having nannies for my kids was not for me. Oh yeah, and having to straighten my hair...that's just killed it for me. After I had this realization, I got some blonde braids and decided to do soemthing in the public sector over the summer for the first half and then do summer school for the second semester. Please tell me why people have asked, "Oh, you didnt get a firm job"? It's called I turned them down, how about it?
Also, peers... yeah I had to get a whole new set of friends. I realized that I hung out with the most self absorbed and pretentious people known to man. I mean its OK if you want to go into corporate, but do not put others (me) down because I don't want to. That's just rude.
So my top advice to anyone who is considering this is serious. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING INTO:
1. Peer pressure in law school is about 765x worse than in high school. Get ready for it.
2. Stick to your guns about what you want to do
3. Go to a school in an area that you actually want to practice law. You will be making all of your professional contacts there, so yeah... you might actually want a job there... I WISH SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TOLD ME THIS
4. Get to know as many people as you can (in your law school)... go to the events... its always good to know people
5. Start hardcore studying about a month and a half before your first final
6. Study with people... but with people who will a. actually study b. contribute c. value you and your opinions
7. BY A PROTECTIVE SCREEN SHIELD... people will look at your notes in class and end up looking at your gchat convo's.... NOT COOL