Thursday, August 28, 2008


Yeah it was a nice little convention, but here of some unpolitical things that I noticed that I want to share:

- Barack looked kinda good. I'm just saying. He had a nice edge up and everything. Plus the salt and pepper look is hot.

- Michelle hired a hair stylist and might have had some tracks put in. She looks good as well. No homo.

- Loved all the John McCain and Bush jabs.

- WTF is wrong with Obama's youngest daughter? Im just saying. ADHD maybe? And the older one is just so chill.

- I watched every night except Bill Clinton... he has yet to be forgiven from me.

- Hilary didn't look too haggard when she spoke either.

OK I'm done judging.

WAIT, did Obama just say, "Bush won't even follow him (Osama) to the cave he lives)... lol. Oh My Gosh!

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