Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are Blacks Getting A New Role On Reality TV Shows?

Something happened in reality tv this week that has NEVER happened before (well unless it was a joke). The number of black housemates outnumbered the number of white castmates on The Real World. WHAT????!!!! Crazyness. Do I think that this "accomplishment" is a bit muted because one of the black guys walked in with a stupid behind shirt talking about "Sorry, I only date blond girls" (with your punk ass.... he's not even cute).

Anyway, I mean can you BELIEVE it? 4 blacks and 3 whites? I didn't think this was even allowed. And beside the stupid punk that walked in with that shirt... they don't seem like total sell outs. TOTALLY am happy about this.

Another thing, on SYTYCD... I stated yesterday that the black people were representing! They have 6 out of 20 this year which is a good percentage being that usually its about 2 out of 20. Anyway, so on the group performance today... they featured the black dancers... which they NEVER do (except that one Mia Michael's piece that I LOVE that featured Danny). Yes, it was a hip hop dance, but I'm just like OH SHIZOOT, are we getting some airplay son? QUAT!?

And even more random (not this next thing does not match)... but Michelle Obama put it down on the view. This chick is my freaking idol. And let us not call her "Michelle Oballbuster"... she just puts it down. That's all. And her outfit was banging too... sans her hair, which I am not sure what she was doing with that.

Oh man! I love (educated and well-doing) black people! And let me put this disclaimer. I am not nor have I ever been nor will I ever be anti-white. I am just SUPER PRO-BLACK! YAY!

Maybe I feel all this black love because of Juneteenth? Who knows WHERE this is coming from

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