Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Real World Back to Vegas???
Why did they decide to do the Real World Las Vegas again? It was the most not-popular season... in my opinion at least. And have these people not moved on with their lives yet? They are in the same place that they can just up and leave their homes and go on this show for 3 months. I am concerned. Im trying to figure out why no body has a job that they aren't allowed to leave. Arissa looks like old... OK not in a bad way but she looks really mature.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Randomness v.5
- Do all Laila's have deep voices? Laila Ali and Laila Hathaway both have the deepest women voices ever in life. I mean, they still sound like women, but they are just really deep.
- I hadn't heard from on of my so called friends in like three months and then I get this MASS email from here talking about her relationship woes. I'm just like... is this really appropriate being that I haven't spoken to her in about three months. I am just saying. Am I really expected to respond to this? I mean seriously, it is actually kind of offensive to be honest. It's like you don't return my last email and then you mass email me three months later? Man eff that ish.
- Iota House= house of debauchery= a good freshman year.
- Why are southern people so nice? When me and my parents were at the Texas Relay last month we couldn't find a cab. This white dude heard us talking and asked where we were staying and he offered to take us to our hotel. I was all weary about it, but my parents thought he had good intentions (they are from Texas and Arkansas... extra country roots) and he did... just took us to the hotel, didn't ask for any money or anything. And then why did this lady at my job give me her son and mothers phone numbers because they live in Austin? She was like... you always need to know as many people as possible. So SWEET.
-Summer TV is going to suck... sorry it's just gonna suck. Sans SYTYCD
- How much is too much contact informantion? When you have someon'es email, AIM, and cell phone, is that just too many ways to get in contact with someone? Espe.cially if they are of the same sex and not your significant other? I am just saying.
- I feel like gmail is monitoring my emails and that is making me a bit uncomfortable. Why on the side bar is information pertaining to the content of my emails? Not necessarily the titles... but the inner content. I don't care if they are trying to be helpful and organized... I don't like the Big Brother feel of it.
-The Golden Compass is nothing like Harry Potter and how dare people say it is. People extra lied to me. It wasn't a bad book... I give it a four out of five stars. The Subtle Knife seems like it is going to be better than Golden Compass... I especially like fact that there are like four worlds interacting with each other. We'll revisit this assesment when I finish the book.
- How long will "The Ex-Wives Club" be on TV? I give it three more episode before mid season cancellation.
- Why did the education firm I worked for earlier this year think that they were a law firm trying to do billable hours and stuff. Making people write .6 and junk for stuff. I didn't know what it was when I was doing it, I just thought they were extra anal, but yeah... they were doing extra much.
- I hadn't heard from on of my so called friends in like three months and then I get this MASS email from here talking about her relationship woes. I'm just like... is this really appropriate being that I haven't spoken to her in about three months. I am just saying. Am I really expected to respond to this? I mean seriously, it is actually kind of offensive to be honest. It's like you don't return my last email and then you mass email me three months later? Man eff that ish.
- Iota House= house of debauchery= a good freshman year.
- Why are southern people so nice? When me and my parents were at the Texas Relay last month we couldn't find a cab. This white dude heard us talking and asked where we were staying and he offered to take us to our hotel. I was all weary about it, but my parents thought he had good intentions (they are from Texas and Arkansas... extra country roots) and he did... just took us to the hotel, didn't ask for any money or anything. And then why did this lady at my job give me her son and mothers phone numbers because they live in Austin? She was like... you always need to know as many people as possible. So SWEET.
-Summer TV is going to suck... sorry it's just gonna suck. Sans SYTYCD
- How much is too much contact informantion? When you have someon'es email, AIM, and cell phone, is that just too many ways to get in contact with someone? Espe.cially if they are of the same sex and not your significant other? I am just saying.
- I feel like gmail is monitoring my emails and that is making me a bit uncomfortable. Why on the side bar is information pertaining to the content of my emails? Not necessarily the titles... but the inner content. I don't care if they are trying to be helpful and organized... I don't like the Big Brother feel of it.
-The Golden Compass is nothing like Harry Potter and how dare people say it is. People extra lied to me. It wasn't a bad book... I give it a four out of five stars. The Subtle Knife seems like it is going to be better than Golden Compass... I especially like fact that there are like four worlds interacting with each other. We'll revisit this assesment when I finish the book.
- How long will "The Ex-Wives Club" be on TV? I give it three more episode before mid season cancellation.
- Why did the education firm I worked for earlier this year think that they were a law firm trying to do billable hours and stuff. Making people write .6 and junk for stuff. I didn't know what it was when I was doing it, I just thought they were extra anal, but yeah... they were doing extra much.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Best Lyrics Ever
"She's sticking closer to you than the bread on the meat of my sandwich". -BBD
If THAT isn't lyrical genius, I don't know what is.
If THAT isn't lyrical genius, I don't know what is.
So yesterday was one of my high school friends graduation party. Me and my other friend went at 1... sang 90's to early 2000's music the whole way up and had a pretty good time. Then we hung out with her family for a while. Then we hung out with her friends. Now here's the interesting part... we went to a "club". So we get there and there one of her friends is already there with another one of her friends and some black guy (one of the girls was Iranian and the other was Mexican).
So basically to make a long story short... it was a "white club"... and you know that when there is a white club there is always the trolling ass black guys looking for white chicks who are going to think they are special... the black chicks who are always dancing alone because they didn't know what kind of club they were walking into but they paid so they aren't leaving.* It is just so disturbing to me. There were about six very cute black girls (myself included) there and no one seemed to want to dance with us. And none of us minded, because I didn't want to dance with anyone there either BUT it is the principle. And the black dudes that were with some of my friends friends just seemed so freaking happy that they had them and Iranian and Mexican on their arm. It was just so damn ridiculous to me. Thinking they were just the ish... and they looked stupid. Like big ass POSERS... trying so hard.
And I am not a racist and it's not that I have a problem with interracial dating. If you happen to fall in love with a person outside of your race... that's fine. But when you specifically look for women outside of your race... that is when I start asking questions? What is the problem? Did you go to an all white school and they made you hate yourself so much that you steer clear of anything pertaining to your race? Did your mother beat you or something and made you hate all women of your kind? Do you for some reason think you are better than your race? I mean someone tell me what the problem is.
And once again, I am talking about people who strictly date other races because their race isn't "good enough". And I know the whole, "You are attracted to who you are attracted to" bullish
I also don't necessarily get how someone who is socially conscious be with someone who is not of ethnic decent (doesn't have to be the same ethnicity). I didn't say date, I mean long term. Because if you are socially conscious, I just don't understand how someone who has not experienced some of the same injustices can empathize and understand some of the things a person might me going through. I mean, if you aren't socially conscious, then that is a different story because you are comforted by the falsehood of equality but that is a whole different story.
There are just so many beautiful intelligent black women who are just being thrown to the curb because mainstream America does not tell people that we OK to be with. And this is not just to black men because if ya'll dumb asses don't want us, that is absolutely fine... it is just sad that the world has come to this. It's like they feel that no matter how smart and beautiful a black women are... they just aren't good enough. If I was still in undergraduate studies, I would write a paper on this.
*One of my friends told me that the most undesired demographic of people are black women and Asian men. Conversely, the most desired group is black men and white women. I wonder why exactly this is? I mean really.
So basically to make a long story short... it was a "white club"... and you know that when there is a white club there is always the trolling ass black guys looking for white chicks who are going to think they are special... the black chicks who are always dancing alone because they didn't know what kind of club they were walking into but they paid so they aren't leaving.* It is just so disturbing to me. There were about six very cute black girls (myself included) there and no one seemed to want to dance with us. And none of us minded, because I didn't want to dance with anyone there either BUT it is the principle. And the black dudes that were with some of my friends friends just seemed so freaking happy that they had them and Iranian and Mexican on their arm. It was just so damn ridiculous to me. Thinking they were just the ish... and they looked stupid. Like big ass POSERS... trying so hard.
And I am not a racist and it's not that I have a problem with interracial dating. If you happen to fall in love with a person outside of your race... that's fine. But when you specifically look for women outside of your race... that is when I start asking questions? What is the problem? Did you go to an all white school and they made you hate yourself so much that you steer clear of anything pertaining to your race? Did your mother beat you or something and made you hate all women of your kind? Do you for some reason think you are better than your race? I mean someone tell me what the problem is.
And once again, I am talking about people who strictly date other races because their race isn't "good enough". And I know the whole, "You are attracted to who you are attracted to" bullish
I also don't necessarily get how someone who is socially conscious be with someone who is not of ethnic decent (doesn't have to be the same ethnicity). I didn't say date, I mean long term. Because if you are socially conscious, I just don't understand how someone who has not experienced some of the same injustices can empathize and understand some of the things a person might me going through. I mean, if you aren't socially conscious, then that is a different story because you are comforted by the falsehood of equality but that is a whole different story.
There are just so many beautiful intelligent black women who are just being thrown to the curb because mainstream America does not tell people that we OK to be with. And this is not just to black men because if ya'll dumb asses don't want us, that is absolutely fine... it is just sad that the world has come to this. It's like they feel that no matter how smart and beautiful a black women are... they just aren't good enough. If I was still in undergraduate studies, I would write a paper on this.
*One of my friends told me that the most undesired demographic of people are black women and Asian men. Conversely, the most desired group is black men and white women. I wonder why exactly this is? I mean really.
race relations,
Friday, May 25, 2007
It still amazes me how different all dancehall riddims are and yet the are so similar (in a good way). The all posses pretty much the same parts, there just switched around a bit. So the new ones for 2007 I like include....
- Heathen
- Drumline/Timeline
- Red Razor
- Gully Slime
- Nookie
Heathen especially has that beat pattern I like... kinda the same like the b'more club music. That same basic pa... pa... pa... pa... pa pa... pa etc. Just makes you wanna get on the floor and gyrate... in a classy way of course. LOL. Brings me back to good ole days of freshman year in the RITZ!!!! Yeah, it was a ghetto club*, but hey, they played the best dancehall in DC at that point.
* Ghetto meaning torn up couches, sticky floor, just kinda grimey. I suppose I coulda used the term "dive", but who uses dive in terms of clubs? I mean seriously. That term is for bars. So although I don't necessarily like the work ghetto.... it shall suffice in the situation as I cannot find an appropriate substitute.
- Heathen
- Drumline/Timeline
- Red Razor
- Gully Slime
- Nookie
Heathen especially has that beat pattern I like... kinda the same like the b'more club music. That same basic pa... pa... pa... pa... pa pa... pa etc. Just makes you wanna get on the floor and gyrate... in a classy way of course. LOL. Brings me back to good ole days of freshman year in the RITZ!!!! Yeah, it was a ghetto club*, but hey, they played the best dancehall in DC at that point.
* Ghetto meaning torn up couches, sticky floor, just kinda grimey. I suppose I coulda used the term "dive", but who uses dive in terms of clubs? I mean seriously. That term is for bars. So although I don't necessarily like the work ghetto.... it shall suffice in the situation as I cannot find an appropriate substitute.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Can I Introduce Myself?
So the wierdest thing happened to me today. I'm walking down the hallway of my job (my job is so boring, I take breaks by walking across the whole building for fun sometimes) and I see this dude walking toward me. Note: I see this dude sometimes on my daily walks and I always thought he was kind cute or whatever. So Im walkng down the hall and I pass him and then I stop by a window for a minute hoping to lengthen my little walk. And out of the blue... I hear "Excuse me". So I turn around and it's the dude. So he asked my name and blah blah and that was it. THAT WAS IT. Never in my life have I had a cute guy just come up to me ask my name, what department I work in, and stuff like that. NEVER. Well, it happened sometimes in MD, but NEVER in CA. In CA, you get those dudes that really just try to holler at you at every possible oppertunity. No one ever just asks you your name or anything like that. Even the not grimey dudes just come with lines and junk. I was just so shocked... one, dudes dont introduce themselves anymore... and two, he was a cutie.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Ladies wearing men's cologne... tsk tsk
There is this lady at my job that wears men's cologne and it is kinda confusing. It smells GOOD, and I always turn around to see who it is and it's a LADY? Do you know how disappointing that is? You turn around hoping to see a nice looking man, and it's a LADY????? Just rude...
Monday, May 21, 2007
Randomness v.4
Hospitals are the most depressing and boring a just blah places ever. Seriously though. No wonder the characters on Grey's Anatomy are the most unstable people every invented. And, correct me if I am wrong, isn't your medical internship only one year? Even on the specialty tracks such as surgery? I'm pretty sure they don't go on for three years like Grey's Anatomy would like us to believe.
Why is it that harpists (people who play the harp... not people who harp on situations) have a constant serene sort of smile on their face? Does the music make them feel like smiling all the time, or is it in a contract (written or verbal) that says harpists MUST have that little smile on their faces while playing? Not hating, just saying.
People with crazy eyes scare me. Not the lazy eye or eye conditions, but the crazy eye stare/look. You know, when people look at you and their eyes kinda bug out and they look all intense and stuff. Good example, Leilene from Charm School/Flavor of Love. Her eyes just look constantly crazy, especially when she is confused or something. I would hate if she was close to me and she looked at me with those humongous eyes. But whatever, they can't help it.
Do people who are crazy KNOW they are crazy? Do the believe that they are making rational decisions? Is there a point at which they snap back and can recognize rational behavior from irrational behavior? If not, how do we know that we aren't crazy? Its just weird to me that people's minds get so messed up sometimes that they don't even realize that they are crazy. And I am not just talking about clinically loony people... but even people who are just eccentric and what we like to call weird. Do they KNOW that they are acting in the way that most people would classify as abnormal?
Why is it that harpists (people who play the harp... not people who harp on situations) have a constant serene sort of smile on their face? Does the music make them feel like smiling all the time, or is it in a contract (written or verbal) that says harpists MUST have that little smile on their faces while playing? Not hating, just saying.
People with crazy eyes scare me. Not the lazy eye or eye conditions, but the crazy eye stare/look. You know, when people look at you and their eyes kinda bug out and they look all intense and stuff. Good example, Leilene from Charm School/Flavor of Love. Her eyes just look constantly crazy, especially when she is confused or something. I would hate if she was close to me and she looked at me with those humongous eyes. But whatever, they can't help it.
Do people who are crazy KNOW they are crazy? Do the believe that they are making rational decisions? Is there a point at which they snap back and can recognize rational behavior from irrational behavior? If not, how do we know that we aren't crazy? Its just weird to me that people's minds get so messed up sometimes that they don't even realize that they are crazy. And I am not just talking about clinically loony people... but even people who are just eccentric and what we like to call weird. Do they KNOW that they are acting in the way that most people would classify as abnormal?
The Era Of...
Remember the era of the "Lil's"? Around early 2000's? EVERY rapper had lil in some part of their name... Lil Kim, Lil Mo, Lil Wayne, Lil Zane, Lil Romeo, Lil Jon, Lil Bow Wow, Lil Scrappy, Lil Cease, Lil Flip... need I say more. You couldn't turn on the radio at not hear something from a "Lil". Anyway, now I think it is the era of the "Yung/Young"... Yung Joc, Young Jeezy, some person I've never heard of named Yung Berg, some dude named Yung Dro... and the list continues. Do you recognize this is not original? And what's with the misspellings and abbreviations? Anyway...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I'm Disappointed
With myself that it. When I first started writing this blog... I used to kinda write about interesting things... now I just write a commentary basically on life... everybody does that. I guess trying to get into law school and holding down a job got to me huh?
I am also disappointed with Shrek 3... I was not a happy camper in the theater. There was NONE of that original Shrek humor in there.... Goodness.
I am also disappointed with Shrek 3... I was not a happy camper in the theater. There was NONE of that original Shrek humor in there.... Goodness.
I've been taking Astelin for about a week now and I can say that it is doing pretty well (knock on wood). I haven't been sneezing and the breathing has been cool. Let us hope that it works because taking benadryl every day and having to drink like 5 bottles of water and day and having your hair break off because the meds are drying you out is not the business. OKAY!
*PS... I really don't like when people say "okay" after they or other people say things. It is supposed to strengthen what you are saying... but it completly weakens it with me because it the OKAY!!! just kinda shocks me and I loose concentration on what you were saying. Thank you in advance.
*PS... I really don't like when people say "okay" after they or other people say things. It is supposed to strengthen what you are saying... but it completly weakens it with me because it the OKAY!!! just kinda shocks me and I loose concentration on what you were saying. Thank you in advance.
Randomness v.3
Saaphyri from Charm School is actually kinda pretty if you really look at her hard. She doesn't have typical pretty features or anything, but he features are different and somewhat stunning. I was shocked at one of the pictures they had of her on the vh1 website, she really looked nice. Also, she seems kinda smart. Well, she seems like she has common sense at least and I like the words she chooses. And she really needs the money... she needs to win.
Cledus T. Judd from Celebrity Fit Club gets hotter by the weigh-in. I'm kinda uncomfortable saying that being that he used to be really fat and slimy looking.
DaBrat annoyed the hell out of me at first... but she is cool with me now. Everything that she says is right on the money.
Dustin Diamond (aka porn peddler) is seriously looney... freaking looney. He has a serious issue and it runs deeeeeeep. He really acts like the world owes him something. You are a nobody dude... live with it and move on with your life. Why are you even on the show if you don't want to lose weight? The fact that you are on this show and don't even want to lose weight means that you are desperate to get attention in anyway you can.
Kimberly Locke was crying over something Dustin said???? That was absolutely ridiculous.
Harvey was hot when he said "...don't you ever in your (explicative) cartoon life". LOL. What is a cartoon life? Does that mean his life is a job. That's funny. I also like when people say "I'll wear your ass out" Great!!!!! He is great... he's the best. And he's kind cute too.
Cledus T. Judd from Celebrity Fit Club gets hotter by the weigh-in. I'm kinda uncomfortable saying that being that he used to be really fat and slimy looking.
DaBrat annoyed the hell out of me at first... but she is cool with me now. Everything that she says is right on the money.
Dustin Diamond (aka porn peddler) is seriously looney... freaking looney. He has a serious issue and it runs deeeeeeep. He really acts like the world owes him something. You are a nobody dude... live with it and move on with your life. Why are you even on the show if you don't want to lose weight? The fact that you are on this show and don't even want to lose weight means that you are desperate to get attention in anyway you can.
Kimberly Locke was crying over something Dustin said???? That was absolutely ridiculous.
Harvey was hot when he said "...don't you ever in your (explicative) cartoon life". LOL. What is a cartoon life? Does that mean his life is a job. That's funny. I also like when people say "I'll wear your ass out" Great!!!!! He is great... he's the best. And he's kind cute too.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Site Addiction
People say it all the time and it is so true. People who blog in one way or another are attention whores. Seriously people. And I realized this about myself a couple of days ago when I signed up with Google Analytics. Some people want outward attention, others just want a sense of validation. The later is me to some extent. I just want to know that other people are reading what I write. I write it for me... but then again, I write it for other people or else I wouldn't have made this public for everyone to see. Back to Google Analytics.
I just wanted to see WHERE people where people lived who were coming to my blog. But now, it is kinda becoming an obsession. OH! Let's see who read my blog today. WHAT? My reader count today is down 20... that is not hot! Why do I get 75 percent newcomers and only 25 percent repeat visitors? Why if so many people visit my blog does no one comment.
I was at work thinking about these questions. Having such a cool way to see how your blog is doing and having nothing to do at work is not a good combination at all.
Secondly... I feel like I need to admit something. A couple of summers ago, I was addicted to two website. Here it comes... The Knot and The Nest. No, I was not planning a wedding or planning family life, I was just on the message boards for the DRAMA. I didn't have a username thus, I couldn't comment, but everyday after track practice I would go on both these sites and read through the posts. It was so interesting to me to see how other people saw life and how other people lived. It had been over a year since I had been on either of these websites and just for the heck of it, I went on both of them yesterday, just to see if they'd changed. The Knot's website looked the same, and the message board was updated a bit. The Nest was completly redone message board wise and was kinda overwhelming at first. But one thing that stayed the same... the people. First of all, there were still some of the same people on there that were on there over a year ago. It's like dang... I know the constant bickering is funny for a while, but doesn't it get old at say... year 3? And the same kind of people were on there too. I
I just wanted to see WHERE people where people lived who were coming to my blog. But now, it is kinda becoming an obsession. OH! Let's see who read my blog today. WHAT? My reader count today is down 20... that is not hot! Why do I get 75 percent newcomers and only 25 percent repeat visitors? Why if so many people visit my blog does no one comment.
I was at work thinking about these questions. Having such a cool way to see how your blog is doing and having nothing to do at work is not a good combination at all.
Secondly... I feel like I need to admit something. A couple of summers ago, I was addicted to two website. Here it comes... The Knot and The Nest. No, I was not planning a wedding or planning family life, I was just on the message boards for the DRAMA. I didn't have a username thus, I couldn't comment, but everyday after track practice I would go on both these sites and read through the posts. It was so interesting to me to see how other people saw life and how other people lived. It had been over a year since I had been on either of these websites and just for the heck of it, I went on both of them yesterday, just to see if they'd changed. The Knot's website looked the same, and the message board was updated a bit. The Nest was completly redone message board wise and was kinda overwhelming at first. But one thing that stayed the same... the people. First of all, there were still some of the same people on there that were on there over a year ago. It's like dang... I know the constant bickering is funny for a while, but doesn't it get old at say... year 3? And the same kind of people were on there too. I
Why everytime America Ferrera/Betty speaks, it sounds like a monologue? Just all breathy and everything. And she kinda sounds preachy too. Very boo.
Side Note: Henry is Harrison John from "Popular". LOL. WOW! I am impressed. He grew up!
Side Note: Henry is Harrison John from "Popular". LOL. WOW! I am impressed. He grew up!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Extra Boo
American Idol is a crock. Melinda Doolittle can sing rings around these people... I am so done. But we knew she wasn't going to win. When you let a whole bunch of little pre-teens with cell phones loose.. stupid things happen and this is just an example of one of those stupid things. The judging system is just dumb... they should at least do it like they do thier "sister show" So You Think You Can Dance. The experts judge who should be in the bottom and then from there, America chooses... not this bullish way American Idol does it.
Never will I watch American Idol... part on principle and partly because I will probably be studying to hard and will have to devote my well earned TV time to better shows... like ANTM or DWTS. LOL.
Speaking of ANTM... I didn't like Jasleen at first... but she's OK now. I'm just glad Natasha didn't win.
Never will I watch American Idol... part on principle and partly because I will probably be studying to hard and will have to devote my well earned TV time to better shows... like ANTM or DWTS. LOL.
Speaking of ANTM... I didn't like Jasleen at first... but she's OK now. I'm just glad Natasha didn't win.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
American Idol: 5/15
Um, yeah. I really not be hearing what the judges are hearing because I am sorry... but Melinda was AWFUL on that first song to me. Maybe I just don't like the song... but I just heard terrible. The second song was better for me, nut she just seemed to be screaming. She really likes to kick. lol. And I really think Melinda wants to go home... now you KNOW you she shoulda sang "My Funny Valentine" as her choice song. Maybe she is just waiting to pull that out next week, I don't know. But I really don't know if she is going to stay with that. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING!!!! Jordin was not doing for me either. Well, her first song was OK, but that that second song was just NOT it. She can sing one genre... that slow stuff... but if its fast, its over for her. Third song was definatly her best... it sounded good. But I still don't like her. Blake was just OK... but it seemed like he was not on beat or anything. His voice shakes too much me... and think I'm tired of him... actually I think I am tired of them all because none of them did anything for me. It was like Chris Richardson reincarnated. Robin Thicke song was kinda hot... but maybe because I really liked the original version. It was extra copycat though.
So what... they just don't criticize them at this point?
Conclusion: Melinda is going home.
Wait... why did my mom try to vote for Melinda and she accidently voted for Blake and jerked the phone away when she heard his automated vote. LOL. It was great.
So what... they just don't criticize them at this point?
Conclusion: Melinda is going home.
Wait... why did my mom try to vote for Melinda and she accidently voted for Blake and jerked the phone away when she heard his automated vote. LOL. It was great.
Biter Ass Biters
Let me preface this by saying I am from the Bay Area... so I do indeed know what Hyphy music is made of and blah blah.
But anyway... hyphy started out as this purly Bay Area creation... with it's own beats and everything. But over the past months, I have noticed this trend. OK actually, I shouldn't attribute this to the hyphy movement... I changed my mind. This is going on the radio stations out here. A lot of times when they mix songs... the put in beats that sound like baltimore club beats. Anyone who knows baltimore club music knows that they all have different beats, BUT there is that one sterotypical beat that one thinks of when one thinks of baltimore club music, such as this or this. That boom, boom, boom, boom boom. LOL. Classic.
I was really excited when I heard this beat and started getting it with my seat in the car... but then I was like WAIT. Not hot. I mean, it's OK to take ideas from other people... but it's like... your extra late on that. Thanks so much.
But anyway... hyphy started out as this purly Bay Area creation... with it's own beats and everything. But over the past months, I have noticed this trend. OK actually, I shouldn't attribute this to the hyphy movement... I changed my mind. This is going on the radio stations out here. A lot of times when they mix songs... the put in beats that sound like baltimore club beats. Anyone who knows baltimore club music knows that they all have different beats, BUT there is that one sterotypical beat that one thinks of when one thinks of baltimore club music, such as this or this. That boom, boom, boom, boom boom. LOL. Classic.
I was really excited when I heard this beat and started getting it with my seat in the car... but then I was like WAIT. Not hot. I mean, it's OK to take ideas from other people... but it's like... your extra late on that. Thanks so much.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Why do all of the professional women dancers on, "Dancing with the Stars" always stare at their partner when they are speaking to the Samantha lady? I mean really. Do they tell them to stare at their partner in an awe struck way? I don't get it. In fact... it reminds me of those little kiddie pageants where they are supposed to flirt with the MC when he comes and sings by them (which is disturbing in itself... a WHOLE nother post). I mean I know they are proud of them.. but to me it's just a little bit too much.
And the announcer finally said LAILA instead of LINDA Ali... that made me feel very good.
And the announcer finally said LAILA instead of LINDA Ali... that made me feel very good.
The ENT Doc.
Oh yeah, I got so heated about the "Road to Health" I forgot to tell about my visit to the ENT doctor. So... I have been having SEVERE allergies since the induction of spring... so sever that I have had four psuedo anaphylactic responses in two months... Yeah, not so hot. So I go to the ENT doctor to examine my adenoids. Doesn't sound bad right? Wrong. In order to see the adenoids the doctors have to stick a camera up the nostrils. They sprayed some anesthesia up my nose then stuck this long instrument up my nose and told me to do all kinds of coughs and swallows with this thing up my nostrils. It was horrible... I almost felt as violated as I did when I had to get a shot in the patooty. Good thing... I don't have to get the adenoids out. Bad news.. Im probably going to have to take benadryl everyday for a while now which makes me incredibly thirsty... But that's better than surgery right?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
"American Dreamz" and "The Terrorist"
So I am watching "American Dreamz" and it reminds me of a mix of of course, "American Idol" and the movie, "The Terrorist". I can't decide if it was good or not... OK, it wasn't good, but it was decent. Oddly enough, it had a LOT of similarities to "The Terrorist", I seriously think the dude that wrote "American Dreamz" saw "The Terrorist" and liked it and really wanted to make another movie like it. It had the same basic plot, except "The Terrorist" was about the Tamil Tigers and "American Dreamz" is about some radical group in the middle east. Malli's whole family was killed by this guerrilla group, Omer's family was bombed by and American bomb. Malli joined a terrorist group to avenge her brothers death... Omer joined a terrorist group to avenge his mothers death. Malli gets placed with this family who is supposed to be teaching her botany... Omer gets placed with his cousins who are teaching him to sing. Eventually Malli comes to love this family that she is put with and starts having second thoughts about the attack... Omer comes to love his family and somewhat of America and starts having doubts about the attack. That's where the similarities end because they don't tell us what happens in "The Terrorist". It's not an American movie so they didn't feel the need to spell out the ending... they let the viewer decide what happened. In "American Dreamz", Omer has a change of heart and doesn't do it.
But in all seriousness... I wonder if the writer of American Dreams saw this movie... the similarities are uncanny.
But in all seriousness... I wonder if the writer of American Dreams saw this movie... the similarities are uncanny.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Road To Health and the ENT Doc.
So I am listening to 98.1 this morning and Tavis Smiley was on there promoting his, "Road to Health" tour sponsered by Kaiser Permanente. So he was calling off all of these random facts about health in the black and brown communities and it was extra disturbing to me. And it really wasn't anything new, it was just the fact that I guess I was listening to it on the moring commute not expecting to hear it. Except he lost me when he said that the black community has produced historically the best athletes yet they are the most unhealthy people... there is no correlation. Just because A does not mean B. Come on now Tavis. But seriously, it is so sad that black people are so unhealthy. And a lot of it is all about eating. Actually, I think all of it is all about eating. In the old days, black slaves had to eat things that were NOT supposed to be eaten because it was the only thing they were given. They were not given the more "healthy" parts of animals... naw naw... they were given the parts that white people refused to eat (uh lets see... chitlins, pig ears, feet, hamhocksm, gibblets all come to mind and more). That junk is not good for you... I don't care "how good it is"... it is not supposed to be consumed by humans. Blacks in the past ate this because they had to survive... but blacks now eat it because of tradition and it is making them unhealthy. It's all about this culture of good soul food... but man, you are becoming so unhealthy because of it.
It makes me think of the movie, "Soul Food". I had never thought about that movie until I watched a "Boondocks" episode where Riley goes to say how the movie was about a black family who ate alot of bad food. Then "big mama" got sick and died of all the things that black people usually die of and then the family kept the tradition alive by gathering every Sunday and eating the same food that probably contributed to big mama's demise.
I can't help but think that things that help instill a culture in black people are also killing us... hmmm. Think about it.....
It makes me think of the movie, "Soul Food". I had never thought about that movie until I watched a "Boondocks" episode where Riley goes to say how the movie was about a black family who ate alot of bad food. Then "big mama" got sick and died of all the things that black people usually die of and then the family kept the tradition alive by gathering every Sunday and eating the same food that probably contributed to big mama's demise.
I can't help but think that things that help instill a culture in black people are also killing us... hmmm. Think about it.....
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I Got Canned Heat Ya'll
I think Canned Heat is one of the best dance songs made in the 2000's (how are you supposed to say that by the way? DO you say in the 00's??). And I don't mean the best dance song like you would dance in the club... but overall dance song. The beat and melody are so simple yet ridiculously addictive. I mean come on, Napolean Dynomite killed it to this song... it was good in the finale of "Center Stage"... Ryan from "So You Think You Can Dance"* did his best solo dance to this... and finally, Maksim and his brother and Karina and some other chick danced to it on, "Dancing with the Stars". This song worked with all of these seriously different genres (freestyle, ballet, modern, and some sort of freestyle Latin dance respectively).
But overall, the extended version just makes you want to get up and dance. It is impossible for me to hear this song and NOT start dancing to it. And that's what music is all about... making people feel something.
You know how doesn't have canned heat though? The Warriors. I don't understand what their issue is. Well actually I do.... they are too short and the judges cheated against them today. It was so obviously ridiculous to me that the judges wanted to cheat so blatantly as SOON as the warrior started to lead. I almost feel as though because they upset Dallas so badly, people just really want them to lose just to prove that their win was a fluke. All I am saying is don't cheat. Warriors need some canned heat though seriously right about now... maybe they can take some for Maksim and his brother.
This was totally random... but hey, I'm a random person so what do you want me to do?
*By the way.... "So You Think You Can Dance" comes back on MAY 24th! YAY!
But overall, the extended version just makes you want to get up and dance. It is impossible for me to hear this song and NOT start dancing to it. And that's what music is all about... making people feel something.
You know how doesn't have canned heat though? The Warriors. I don't understand what their issue is. Well actually I do.... they are too short and the judges cheated against them today. It was so obviously ridiculous to me that the judges wanted to cheat so blatantly as SOON as the warrior started to lead. I almost feel as though because they upset Dallas so badly, people just really want them to lose just to prove that their win was a fluke. All I am saying is don't cheat. Warriors need some canned heat though seriously right about now... maybe they can take some for Maksim and his brother.
This was totally random... but hey, I'm a random person so what do you want me to do?
*By the way.... "So You Think You Can Dance" comes back on MAY 24th! YAY!
Um, Yeah, What?
So why is there a song by guitarist Paul Brown called, "The Rhythm Method"? Seriously though. I don't understand why he titled a song after a method of birth control? I wonder what he was thinking about when titling the song... like what was going through his mind. The song doesn't even have sexy undertones or anything... it actually is really good driving music... so I am really not understanding why he decided to name his song after some birth control.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Is THIS What Black IS?
This Bootz/Larissa character is absolutely ridiculous. She just said, "I'm just showing you what black is" on the radio to someone. Naw chick you just showed everyone what ghetto is. That is what you are showing people. It's not even cute... and she swears it is. Do NOT bring down the whole race trying to say that is the way black people act? You are a disgrace to the race. You are absolutely foul and shameful. And then she is trying to act like she has reason to act the way she does.
But you know what... here's the thing... the argument is basically about how Buckwild is disrespecting the black race by the way she acts. What's funny about it is that Bootz wants to say Buckwild is disrespectful to what she's doing... but Bootz whole person is disrespectful. She disrespects pretty much everyone she comes in contact with... she's on a radio show talking like she is. It is absolutely uncalled for. She's disrespecting the entire black race by saying she is what being black is really about. Is that what you want people to think black people are? Just ignorant and disrespectful? And it's worse because she's a black WOMAN. People already think poorly of young black women... why would you perpetuate the stereotype even further?
Well if being black is acting like Bootz... I don't wanna be black anymore. Imma be African American or a person of darker than "average" pigmentation then. lol. It's called learn how to have an intelligent argument without screaming and cursing like a banshee. It's called learn how to respect others opinions so people will take you seriously and not see you as a spoiled ignorant child. No one thinks people are worth the time of day when they act like that... they are just eventually dismissed.
You know... this whole show disturbs me. YES I watch it for comedy... but then when you think about it, it's not GOOD. If people outside of the black race what this and haven't had much contact with black women... this is what they would think we all are like. "I Love New York" wasn't so bad for the men because they weren't acting up.. they were just constantly drunk. These chicks are just shameful!
And you know what... I don't care if people disagrees with me... in fact, I welcome dissenting opinions. I'm about to get my doctorate in arguing... I need the practice.
This Bootz/Larissa character is absolutely ridiculous. She just said, "I'm just showing you what black is" on the radio to someone. Naw chick you just showed everyone what ghetto is. That is what you are showing people. It's not even cute... and she swears it is. Do NOT bring down the whole race trying to say that is the way black people act? You are a disgrace to the race. You are absolutely foul and shameful. And then she is trying to act like she has reason to act the way she does.
But you know what... here's the thing... the argument is basically about how Buckwild is disrespecting the black race by the way she acts. What's funny about it is that Bootz wants to say Buckwild is disrespectful to what she's doing... but Bootz whole person is disrespectful. She disrespects pretty much everyone she comes in contact with... she's on a radio show talking like she is. It is absolutely uncalled for. She's disrespecting the entire black race by saying she is what being black is really about. Is that what you want people to think black people are? Just ignorant and disrespectful? And it's worse because she's a black WOMAN. People already think poorly of young black women... why would you perpetuate the stereotype even further?
Well if being black is acting like Bootz... I don't wanna be black anymore. Imma be African American or a person of darker than "average" pigmentation then. lol. It's called learn how to have an intelligent argument without screaming and cursing like a banshee. It's called learn how to respect others opinions so people will take you seriously and not see you as a spoiled ignorant child. No one thinks people are worth the time of day when they act like that... they are just eventually dismissed.
You know... this whole show disturbs me. YES I watch it for comedy... but then when you think about it, it's not GOOD. If people outside of the black race what this and haven't had much contact with black women... this is what they would think we all are like. "I Love New York" wasn't so bad for the men because they weren't acting up.. they were just constantly drunk. These chicks are just shameful!
And you know what... I don't care if people disagrees with me... in fact, I welcome dissenting opinions. I'm about to get my doctorate in arguing... I need the practice.
black people,
Charm School,
race relations,
Shorty McShort Short
Why are Apollo Anton Ono's legs so short? I am just trying to figure it out. And the high waisted pants are NOT helping. lol. However... he is kinda hot dancing huh? If he wins I won't mind... but of course Imma vote for Laila! Come on now.
Side Note: Maksim is absolutely HOT... no no HAWT!! He would so get done. I mean seriously. That does he did tonight to the Jamiorqui song was absolutly hawt. His brother actually could kind get done too... Which continues my theory that if you can dance... it hightens your sexy level about 3 points higher than what it would originally be.
Second Side Note: The rock step is the coolest step in dancing.
Side Note: Maksim is absolutely HOT... no no HAWT!! He would so get done. I mean seriously. That does he did tonight to the Jamiorqui song was absolutly hawt. His brother actually could kind get done too... Which continues my theory that if you can dance... it hightens your sexy level about 3 points higher than what it would originally be.
Second Side Note: The rock step is the coolest step in dancing.
American Idol: 5/8
Now, tonight wasn't that bad for me... maybe because I really like the Bee Gee music. The judges were absolutely off tonight for me. I really liked Melinda, mainly because that is one of my favorite Bee Gee songs. She sang that second song too... I don't care what anybody. She is simply the best singer there. Always on pitch. So what are they saying she needs to throw away the technique and wow her? Paula is on something serious. Blake's performance was kinda uncalled for... the beatboxing was out of place for me. Although I do like the song. I did like the music to the second song. But his singing was horrible! And what was up with that transition in the middle? Im just trying to figure. And I swear he forgot the lyrics for a minute. I really liked LaKisha.... it was different dang! Give her a break. I'm worried about her though with that second song. Again, I didn't like Jordin.... The judges are really getting on my nerves because it is obvious who they want to win. I mean, she has a nice voice, I will give her that... but it is NOT all that they make it out to be. Yes, they said Blake is not going to win... it is between LaKisha, Melinda, and Jordin. So why can she change up the style but LaKisha can't... it's just ridiculous. They know that she will sell more records than probably Melinda and LaKisha combined NOT because she is better because she simply isn't... but she is more sellable to middle white America which is who this is targeted to. And this isn't a race thing... it just is what it is. And I am not trying to take anything away from her... BUT I really don't think that she is all that they make her out to be. It's OK for her to sing in the same style... but it's not OK for Melinda... WHATEVER. I am so sick of this.
Conclusion: Blake is staying... Melinda or LaKisha. They always get rid of the best person at this stage...THIS SHOW IS SOOOO FRIGGIN RIGGED. Oh, she's surely gone... my mom keeps calling to vote and she keeps getting though....GAAA DAWG.
Conclusion: Blake is staying... Melinda or LaKisha. They always get rid of the best person at this stage...THIS SHOW IS SOOOO FRIGGIN RIGGED. Oh, she's surely gone... my mom keeps calling to vote and she keeps getting though....GAAA DAWG.
Rick James=Better Than I Thought
You know, Rick James was really a good artist. The four songs they play repeatedly on the radio and the songs that people know him for really aren't good compared to all of the other songs he has made. I really don't like, "Mary Jane" or "Give It To Me" very much, so initially, I was under the assumption that I didn't like Rick... but he has got some good songs. And what's even more... he could actually kinda sing. And the instrumentals at the end of his songs were kinda hot too. This goes for so many artisits though. I used to think I didn't like Marvin Gaye because, "Let's Get It On" and "Sexunal* Healing" just don't do it for me either.
The same goes for Earth, Wind, and Fire. I have been a fan of thiers since I was about 3 years old. I remember dancing to "Fantasy" while my mom was vaccuuming when I was itty bitty. But they play the SAME four songs of theirs on the radio... and never breach out to some of their best songs. "Sun Goddess" is the best song just for the record.
Conclusion: Mainstream radio music sucks.
* I spelled this "Sexunal" because I don't want some pervert ending up here because he was looking for some special healing if you know what I mean.
The same goes for Earth, Wind, and Fire. I have been a fan of thiers since I was about 3 years old. I remember dancing to "Fantasy" while my mom was vaccuuming when I was itty bitty. But they play the SAME four songs of theirs on the radio... and never breach out to some of their best songs. "Sun Goddess" is the best song just for the record.
Conclusion: Mainstream radio music sucks.
* I spelled this "Sexunal" because I don't want some pervert ending up here because he was looking for some special healing if you know what I mean.
Randomness v.2
Desperate Housewives: I liked Tom Scavo's little threatning monolouge on Sunday. It was kinda hot. Especially the part when he basically said, You better leave my wife alone because the best you can have is if she has a moment of weakness because she will NEVER leave me. That was kinda hot. Then he lost me on the part when he was like, I'll love her just as much as she hates herself for doing it. Yeah, I'm not so such about all of THAT.
Krayzie Bone's CD, "Thug Mentality" would be a really really good CD if he wasn't talking about killing someone on pretty much each song. The beats and melodies are really nice. Yeah it's old, but I had a throw back day in the car today.
Are You Serious: Paris Hilton is petitioning to your governer for a pardon for her possible 45 day jail stint.... if they really pardon her dumb ass after she violated her probation stipulations, I really AM never coming back to California because that is just ridiculous. You broke the rules, deal with it like a normal person. I mean seriously... who are you? What have you contributed to the society except for, "That's hot". Be real with your life. Deal with it. And then her mom wanted to get all up in it saying it was ridiculous and a waste of taxpayers money. Why is it ridiculous? Because she thinks she's somebody? So... if it is ridiculous for her, then it better be ridiculous for everyone else who breaks the law. Geez.
Annoying much?: So there is this DJ on this radio station that REALLY annoys me. I don't understand his/her "accent". It's just like super duper ghetto... and that is the only way I can classify it. It isn't southern, Californians don't have accents, it's not northern, it's not anything but just straight ghetto. And the thing of it is... the guest on the show talk just as normal... and he/she constantly uses this accent almost (well it seems to me) to fit it. It sounds totally contrived... you know when you can tell someone's accent is false... it is just absolutly horrible. And he/she always throws in some choice slang words at oppertune times... it makes me cring soooo hard. Why do I listen you ask... because they tend to play good music at that time, so I just bear with it.
Screech Gone Looney: Screech (no, he doesnt even deserve to be called his real name now) is absolutly looney. He has the personality that I absolutly can't stand. For some reason, he really thinks he is entitled to something. Like the world owes him something. Dude, like Kimberly Locke said... You are a GD child star with a porn tape out who has to sell tee shirts on the side of the street to pay your GD mortgage. And he was going to sit up in those confessionals and talk about those people so bad, and then try to be their friend the next minute, and then when caught... he was going to act like he didn't say anything wrong. Wait Wait! And THEN he has had two or three "breakdowns and threatend to quit, but then decided to come back when everyone begged and kissed his ass to come back"s since the show started and it's only like episode 4. I wouldn't say nothing to his dumb A.... peace out... homie. You are foolish and you probably were more mature when you were 12 playing Screech. Thanks in advance.
Local Honey: I drove up to Capay to go to Cache Creek on Sunday and I spotted a place that sells honey that is supposed to cure allergies since it is 100 pure. I am nervous... but that would mean that I would have to stop taking my allergy medicine to see if it works huh?? No, I'm straight.
Krayzie Bone's CD, "Thug Mentality" would be a really really good CD if he wasn't talking about killing someone on pretty much each song. The beats and melodies are really nice. Yeah it's old, but I had a throw back day in the car today.
Are You Serious: Paris Hilton is petitioning to your governer for a pardon for her possible 45 day jail stint.... if they really pardon her dumb ass after she violated her probation stipulations, I really AM never coming back to California because that is just ridiculous. You broke the rules, deal with it like a normal person. I mean seriously... who are you? What have you contributed to the society except for, "That's hot". Be real with your life. Deal with it. And then her mom wanted to get all up in it saying it was ridiculous and a waste of taxpayers money. Why is it ridiculous? Because she thinks she's somebody? So... if it is ridiculous for her, then it better be ridiculous for everyone else who breaks the law. Geez.
Annoying much?: So there is this DJ on this radio station that REALLY annoys me. I don't understand his/her "accent". It's just like super duper ghetto... and that is the only way I can classify it. It isn't southern, Californians don't have accents, it's not northern, it's not anything but just straight ghetto. And the thing of it is... the guest on the show talk just as normal... and he/she constantly uses this accent almost (well it seems to me) to fit it. It sounds totally contrived... you know when you can tell someone's accent is false... it is just absolutly horrible. And he/she always throws in some choice slang words at oppertune times... it makes me cring soooo hard. Why do I listen you ask... because they tend to play good music at that time, so I just bear with it.
Screech Gone Looney: Screech (no, he doesnt even deserve to be called his real name now) is absolutly looney. He has the personality that I absolutly can't stand. For some reason, he really thinks he is entitled to something. Like the world owes him something. Dude, like Kimberly Locke said... You are a GD child star with a porn tape out who has to sell tee shirts on the side of the street to pay your GD mortgage. And he was going to sit up in those confessionals and talk about those people so bad, and then try to be their friend the next minute, and then when caught... he was going to act like he didn't say anything wrong. Wait Wait! And THEN he has had two or three "breakdowns and threatend to quit, but then decided to come back when everyone begged and kissed his ass to come back"s since the show started and it's only like episode 4. I wouldn't say nothing to his dumb A.... peace out... homie. You are foolish and you probably were more mature when you were 12 playing Screech. Thanks in advance.
Local Honey: I drove up to Capay to go to Cache Creek on Sunday and I spotted a place that sells honey that is supposed to cure allergies since it is 100 pure. I am nervous... but that would mean that I would have to stop taking my allergy medicine to see if it works huh?? No, I'm straight.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Yeah, you really aren't cool... sorry
I can't say it enough... but I just don't really understand why people like T-Pain. He sings with a vocador (the thing that makes his voice shake), he can't write, he steals people's verses and to top it off...he's not even remotly cute. I mean how do you make it in the record business with lines such as, "I'm In Luv (not love) Wit a Stripper" and "she made us drinks to drink, we drunk em (got drunk)... and now I think she thinks I'm cool". I a really confused by this.
And then, this dude gets arrested in Miami because his show went over and he flipped out like he really was somebody... throwing the mic and everything. Let us be appropriate, mmmkay? What's the word for a man diva? Well whatever it is... T-Pain +3 is really trying to be it. Not that diva's have reason to act the way they do... but usually when you act like you're the ish.... you kinda are. You aren't some heavy-set dude from the "M-I-A" with dookylocks in his hair.
With all that being said... the beat of Bartender is kinda nice... but his lack of lyrical content and just overall grimeyness just kills it.
And then, this dude gets arrested in Miami because his show went over and he flipped out like he really was somebody... throwing the mic and everything. Let us be appropriate, mmmkay? What's the word for a man diva? Well whatever it is... T-Pain +3 is really trying to be it. Not that diva's have reason to act the way they do... but usually when you act like you're the ish.... you kinda are. You aren't some heavy-set dude from the "M-I-A" with dookylocks in his hair.
With all that being said... the beat of Bartender is kinda nice... but his lack of lyrical content and just overall grimeyness just kills it.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Don't Hate, Just Look and Appreciate. Thanks
Yeah, so one of my track coaches was telling the graduating seniors last year how we were going to be hated on by everyone at our grad school/jobs in the next year. Why? He said because of the track body. I was like, "Whatever, it isn't even that serious" and kinda ignored it, but I am finally starting to get this reaction from people. It's really sad actually. It's almost like people are so insecure with how they look, they have to always say something about someone else. People are always going around commenting on my body in one way or another. The remarks range anywhere from "You have a really cute shape" to "You need to eat". The comments closer to the first one, I don't really mind, but the second comment is just so wrong on many levels. First of all, I am 134 and 5'5.... which is like a GREAT ratio. I don't need to eat, the problem is is that YOUR ASS needs to STOP eating. I am sorry your BMI sucks, but there is no need to hate on my because of it. And sometimes, it's not even the comments, it's what's NOT said. I'm starting to notice people staring at me. And they are never looking at my face, there are always looking at my middle sections. Last comment, so today, this lady was like, "I have to eat steamed broccoli and cauliflower everyday at lunch so I can look like you. You're ridiculous". I wasn't offended by this comment, but it was the comment that sparked this post. It's almost like it is unnatural for people to be in shape anymore and I really don't understand why.
And another thing that bothers me, people act like I didn't work for what I have. I worked out 6 days a week and twice on 4 of those 6 days. It took a lot of sacrifice, so don't act like I am just so lucky that I look this way.
This is just coming up for me because at work, I wear "real people" clothes and I am not always in sweats and stuff so people can see the shape. When I go to law school, it's back to tee shirt and shorts for me... this attracts too much attention. And no I am not being cocky because anyone who knows me knows that I am on the opposite end of that spectrum.
And another thing that bothers me, people act like I didn't work for what I have. I worked out 6 days a week and twice on 4 of those 6 days. It took a lot of sacrifice, so don't act like I am just so lucky that I look this way.
This is just coming up for me because at work, I wear "real people" clothes and I am not always in sweats and stuff so people can see the shape. When I go to law school, it's back to tee shirt and shorts for me... this attracts too much attention. And no I am not being cocky because anyone who knows me knows that I am on the opposite end of that spectrum.
Body Glitter, Gold Teeth, and Baby Blue Jumpsuits
So what do all three of these have in common? According to 106.1kmel, it's Pretty Ricky. Body glitter though? Is that supposed to be sexy? And the combination of body glitter, gold teeth, and baby blue jumpsuits is just not appitizing. I really don't get why women (ok back up, preteens) like them so much. As I said here, they are basically just Jodeci with 95 percent less talent. And maybe the body glitter and jumpsuits could possibly look good on attractive people, but they all look so greasy.
Oh yeah, and why on American Idol last night, did Jordin see the camera looking at her and tried to squeeze out some fake tears? I really have had enough of her. The fakeness is not cute.
Oh yeah, and why on American Idol last night, did Jordin see the camera looking at her and tried to squeeze out some fake tears? I really have had enough of her. The fakeness is not cute.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
American Idol: 5/1
I haven't commented on American Idol in a while, mainly because noone did anything that stood out to me. Yesterday, however, was a different story. Blake's rendition of "You Give Love a Bad Name" was hot! Well, the first 45 seconds of it at least... the way he slowed it up was nice though. Um, Jordin's song frightened me.. and to think before I actually liked the song. She was simply out of control... as E-40 would say, she was doing 7 much (not too much, but 7 much). Melinda was cool, of course, not my favorite, but she still sounded good. I didn't like LaKisha too much, but Simon obviously did enough to sustain some lip glossage. And the gloss was still on there while he was critiquing. Was anybody else uncomfortble when that happened? I mean, I literally cringed. Simon does like the black women though... I think his girlfriend is 1/2. I like Phil, but he just did nothing for me tonight. And finally, Chris was cool. He tried to act like he wasn't bothered by Simon's repeated comments on his "nasalcality", but he sure did cut that ish out last night. lol.
Oh yeah, why did I know and at one point or another liked 4 out of the 6 songs? I guess I am a semi Bon Jovi fan and didn't even know it.
Oh yeah, why did I know and at one point or another liked 4 out of the 6 songs? I guess I am a semi Bon Jovi fan and didn't even know it.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Twins? pt. 2
I think Baron Davis is just Black Thought from The Roots in disguise.

I'm just saying...
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