Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Is THIS What Black IS?


This Bootz/Larissa character is absolutely ridiculous. She just said, "I'm just showing you what black is" on the radio to someone. Naw chick you just showed everyone what ghetto is. That is what you are showing people. It's not even cute... and she swears it is. Do NOT bring down the whole race trying to say that is the way black people act? You are a disgrace to the race. You are absolutely foul and shameful. And then she is trying to act like she has reason to act the way she does.

But you know what... here's the thing... the argument is basically about how Buckwild is disrespecting the black race by the way she acts. What's funny about it is that Bootz wants to say Buckwild is disrespectful to what she's doing... but Bootz whole person is disrespectful. She disrespects pretty much everyone she comes in contact with... she's on a radio show talking like she is. It is absolutely uncalled for. She's disrespecting the entire black race by saying she is what being black is really about. Is that what you want people to think black people are? Just ignorant and disrespectful? And it's worse because she's a black WOMAN. People already think poorly of young black women... why would you perpetuate the stereotype even further?

Well if being black is acting like Bootz... I don't wanna be black anymore. Imma be African American or a person of darker than "average" pigmentation then. lol. It's called learn how to have an intelligent argument without screaming and cursing like a banshee. It's called learn how to respect others opinions so people will take you seriously and not see you as a spoiled ignorant child. No one thinks people are worth the time of day when they act like that... they are just eventually dismissed.

You know... this whole show disturbs me. YES I watch it for comedy... but then when you think about it, it's not GOOD. If people outside of the black race what this and haven't had much contact with black women... this is what they would think we all are like. "I Love New York" wasn't so bad for the men because they weren't acting up.. they were just constantly drunk. These chicks are just shameful!

And you know what... I don't care if people disagrees with me... in fact, I welcome dissenting opinions. I'm about to get my doctorate in arguing... I need the practice.

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