Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Achtung!!!!! I'm BACK!

So the "I'm back" is in reference to too things. First, I'm sort of kind of back blogging. Yeah, they say your 3L year is the easiest...someone surely lied to me but I don't remember who it was. If I remembered, I'd be coming after them. I had no freaking time for ANYTHING. See, I'm flashing back. Second, I am back in Maryland after a 7 year vacation. Freaking finally. Aside from those to things, a lot of other interesting things have happened to me in the past 7 months since I last posted. Lets take a look see shall we:
  1. I graduated law school. I am officially a "JD". Shoot, I'm calling myself a doctor. Whatever.
  2. Stated studying for the Maryland Bar Exam. OMG.
  3. I broke up with my boyfriend of 6 years.
  4. I was single for 6 months.
  5. Acquired a new boyfriend...who happened/happens to be my best guy friend in the world.
  6. I moved back to Maryland
  7. I got a job
  8. Acquired a doorman lol
  9. Found out who my real friends were
  10. Alot of other random stuff that shant be mentioned.
Point being, it has been a very eventful 6 months for me. I suspect these next six months will be quite eventful as well.

So I've been here for a month, and I'm already loving it. I love the culture, I love the atmosphere...I even love the weather. It's like a happy medium between California weather and Texas weather. That being said, I only still kept in contact with two people here (one being my current boyfriend) so I don't know too many people yet. I feel slightly isolated, but part of htat is because I spend hours upon hours studying for the bar. I know that these feelings will probably go away when i start my job, but in case they don't...I have a full proof plan. I plan on joining as many organizations as humanly possible. Even thinking of joining an alumni chapter of a sorority. Oh shoot.

Point being, I want to make Maryland my permanent home so I want to put down some fixtures (or roots as non legal people would call them) so I feel like it is my home. When I was in Texas, i never put down any roots because I knew that I was going to be up out of there. Never changed my license plates, my drivers license, registration, insurance or ANYTHING. However, now I am. I mean shoot, I already went to the MVA (DMV) to get my registration done. I tried to remove my old license place from the vault, and I did get a little bit sad. Changing your license plate is like changing your identity. I joke, but I'm kiiiiiiiinda serious here.

But like i said, I'm really excited for this move, and I am ready to start my life here (again). It's actually kind of sad because I have been studying so hard that I havent really had a chance to go sightseeing or anything, but I'm getting there

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