Friday, November 30, 2007


I HATE LAW SCHOOL. Not the schoolwork or the classes or the time I have to spend studying. I HATE THE PEOPLE IN LAW SCHOOL. Self important bastards. Um, once again, this is another irritation post. As finals approach, people's real personality oozes out. I'm not talking about my real friends, I am talking about people in my classes. It is soooo annoying. Like why are people betting for grades. I am really going to need you to get a life. And why are people competing so tough with each other? Talking about, "how many pages is your outline"..."how much sleep did you get last night?" Just let me know who the eff cares. I am just trying to figure it out. Oh, oh oh, what's even worse is the fact that

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Snoop? Really? Flying Carpet and ish?

It should be painfully obvious now that using a vocador can make anyone sound good. Sensual Seduction by Snoop Dogg has him singing with a vocador, and while he doesn't sound good, he sounds interesting. And the video? HAHHAHHAHA. Oh lort. Huggie Bear anyone? I'm just trying to figure it out. It looks like an old Earth Wind and Fire video or something. I got a couple of goods laughs from it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why I Love My Boyfriend v.2

6. He's pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, cute, and every descriptive word for physical perfection you can think of.

5. He is genuinely a good person. He's not fake. He's not phony. He's nothing but himself and I love him for it.

4. We can talk on Skype for hours and hours and sometimes not really have anything to say, but we will still stare at each other.

3. He will love me, even if I fail out of law school (I won't, but he said he would if I did. lol)

2. He tries sooooo hard to make me happy. His effort makes me feel so good inside.

1. After 4 years, he can still make me blush like a 5th grader with her first crush. I still get excited when I see his name on caller ID...maybe I am just easily excitable, who knows.

Musings of a Procrastinator v.5

Um, I'm not happy that Helio Castroneves won. Not even a little bit. Yes, he was good, yes he is HOT, but that is all besidde the point. Mel was such a better dancer. I'm just saying. Plus I want Max to win one time, with his hot behind. But yes, Helio can get it on 25 different levels but once again, that is neither here nor there.

I don't understand why when people wear Uggs, they all of a sudden forget how to pick up their feet. Massivly annoying. The shoes aren't that heavy. Come ON now.

Law school students suck...not law school. Just the students.

Boondocks has lost it. I fail to see why it is necessary to say Ni$$A and bitch every 2 seconds.

I really need Bianca not to be there on ANTM any more. Her haterish ass is really starting to annoy me.

Someone in my Contracts class periodically smells like boo boo

Did I say I am so over these dumb ass people in law school. I really don't want to be here any more. I've gone through three clases, that's enough right? I can't be a practicing attorney with three classes under my belt?

Monday, November 26, 2007


I am so mad at the Salt and Pepa show... hella giving misinformation about the whole Jena 6 thing. They told the story all out of sequence. They didn't even understand what the damn problem was... it was aggravated assault... not attempted murder. THAT WAS THE PROBLEM. And I love how they totally forgot to say ole boy was a repeat offender. Effing recidivist... learn about the damn law. Recidivists SO get punished more steeply than first time offenders... this is not to say that the deserve the degree of punishment, but it's like come ON. You can't ignore relevant facts! I mean just hella doing much... I was really upset. This is whole people get misinformed about things. If you are going to tell a story, you need to tell all sides of the story, not just the side that buttress your argument. COME ON... so upset. This episode is beyond ignorant.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm Seriously Vomitous

I just found out some awful news in regards to my ex track team that makes me want to throw away all of my school track issued stuff. However, since that is most of my wardrobe. I don't think it will be possible.

I just want to know why most track athlete (sans myself and a few choice others) are all adulterous sultatious whores? I mean just effing everybody. It's not cute. Get a lift. Move on. Entitlement is a bitch isnt it?

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Home Sweet Home

It is sooo true. You don't know what you've got until its gone. I remember being so excited about leavign California in August. I was just so anxious to get out of the boringness that is the Bay Area... yes, I would like to renege on this. I don't know if I CAN live anywhere else. Well actually, not true, I can...I'm doing it now. But I just still dont understand why it was 87 degrees when I was leaving Austin. Honestly, what is that?

But yes, it's crazy. I miss the cold. I miss wearing sweaters. I miss good food. I miss the sound of the heat. I miss seeing the water. I miss my parents. I miss my boyfriend. I miss California.

Let's see if I will be lucky enough to have the job search liken a job from LA/SF to fall in my lap. Let us hope.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Musings of a Procrastinator v.4

Why does everyone think that they are a model? I'm just saying. Especially in facebook profiles and ish... going to get that glamour shot and everything. I actually think it is funny. It's like you're not over 5'7... settle your behind down.

Why did someone steal a hug from me yesterday and I was really offended. It's like, you know that I don't hug and you are just going to try to make me hug you? WTF?

Please tell me why I accidentally told one of my friends that I think he's asexual?

Is it just me or is that song "9mm" by David Banner, Akon, and Snoop like 85x better when they say, "Busting out of your speakers" as opposed to "Got a 9mm". Like why did they even need to go there? It loses its musical efficacy with all that bullish.

I think I really need to take ballroom lessons, I was getting it with myself after I finished my Con Law paper 3 days early. I was quickstepping with myself, mamboing, and even a little cha-cha.

I will be at home in the Bay Area in a little more than 24 hours... is that NOT beautiful... I mean honestly.

Why, at the beginning of the year, did I think the Black Graduate Students were really wierd and that the law school students were normal. And why, on November 19, has that TOTALLY switched around? They are like the most normal black people I've met since being in Austin.... maybe I should actually go to the meetings huh?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Just Wow... Who Knew Birds Could Be So Emotional?

There really is nothing I can say... just honestly.... HONESTLY. Man... seriously. If I EVER find someone, anyone that shares my love for her (Keiko Matsui that is) music... Title is called White Owl.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Time Signatures

#1...What is the difference between 3/4 and 6/8 time signature. I know that in 6/8 there is a harder beat on the fourth beat...but beside that, I really can't hear a difference.

#2... Why is it that songs that are not classical in nature that are written in 3/4 or 6/8 time signature sounds really hot to me. Like "The Kill" by 30 seconds to Mars... and pretty much all pop-jazz songs. They sound really dreamy to me... like floating on air. I guess that is why waltzes are in 3/4 time... to covey that feeling of floating on air. Who knows

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here Comes Another

MAN! I am sorry, I must do it again. I must. I was trying to limit my posts about music...but when I am studying so much, there is no possible way I can do this. So, when I am studying, I like listening to Jazz. It depends on what type of studying. Deep studying, I listen to strictly instrumental jazz that has a sort of film-score like quality. Songs that are usually, upwards of 6 plus minutes without too much excitement. For daily reading, I listen to pop-jazz (I hate that name, but it is what it is) and sort of old school jazz.

Today, I am in deep study mode as I have to prepare for my second paper I am going to get tomorrow for Con Law. So who am I listening to? I am listening to my favorite pianist...Keiko Matsui. I mean seriously, it used to be a tie between Philippe Saisse and Keiko Matsui for my favorite pianist, but lets be real, there is no contest. I can't even describe here music. There is just so much on so many different levels.

Like I said in another post, music is so much more than just playing your instrument. It is all about the production. Maybe I should be giving props to her ex-husband, Kazu Matsui who produces all of her music. Anyway, so far I have sat here and listened to 4 CD's straight through and I have gotten something different from each of them. It is crazy. Most artists can and only stick to one genre, but not Keiko. She is the definition of experimentation and I LOVE IT.

So far, my favorite CD is definitly Dream Walk because it is possibly her most haunting CD. I love the slow, drawn out melodies with the kind of synth-y backgrounds, it is just absolutely beautify. Second favorite would have to be Wildflower because that one has a lot of film-score like songs on it that just take you in... definitely the most dramatic of the albums.

Man....... good stuff man.

That Sinking Feeling

So, it's after November 1, which means that 1l's can start looking for jobs. As much as I try to fight it, I am having that very same feeling that I was having less than a year ago... I am trying really hard to keep positive, but I can't. It's like the SAME feeling. Last year, I was not worried about my LSAT score, I knew I had that under control, but I was worried about my resume and my personal statement. Right now, I am not worried about my finals or what my grades will come out to be...I am worried about my resume and my cover letter.

It really sucks when you have done soooo much and achieved so much in a particular field and have nothing to show for it. I mean, I'm pretty sure that the hiring partners and recruitment coordinators won't care that instead of spending my summers doing internships, I was competing in track meets nationwide. I am sure that they don't care that although my GPA was only a 3.4, I managed to graduate in 4 years even though I transferred schools and lost about 10 credits AND ran track AND had a job to boot. Actually, it's not that they won't care, it's the fact that they won't even take the time to search that out... which is what really sucks.

I mean honestly, I just don't feel like people understand what it means and how hard it is to be a student-athlete (well one that actually cares about the student part anyway). I had to give up interning for people And the thing of it is... I did not run track at some D3 school... no, I ran track in a D1, PAC-10 school. What I went through was real. It was not some activity. I had the chance to go pro, BUT I didn't. I put that aside to go to law school, because even though my lack of internships might not show, THIS was my number one dream. But no... no hiring partner is going to look at that...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Is It Wrong...?

Is it wrong that I listen to old school jazz when I am studying because it reminds me of a night on the town in a large city? Is it wrong that I listen to this music while I am studying to remind myself of my ultimate goal... to work in a big firm in DC that will HAVE nights on the town...that will pay me what I am worth?

Is it wrong that I never want to live pay check to pay check? Is it wrong that I don't want to do enough to get by, and that I actually want to be sucessful?

Is it wrong that when I look at my future, I see myself as being sucessful in an office with a view in the District of Columbia? Is it wrong that I see myself with an equally successful man with whom I will have children who will be asking WHICH college they are going to not IF they are even going?

Is it wrong that I want a good life for myself and my would be family? Is it wrong that I never want me or my family to ever go for want? Is it wrong that I want to be able to make enough money to be able to somehow repay my parents back for all of the sacrifices they had to make to put my in private school instead of the Oakland Public School I was bound for? Just let me know if it is wrong?

Yeah, I didn't think so, so when people try to make me feel bad about my goals and aspirations I am really confused. I used to wonder what that said about me. Before I came to law school I was guilted into beliving that if I said I wanted any of these things that I was being boogie...just like my parents. But now, it makes me wonder what is up with the person that sad that too me. Why do THEY think that it is OK to be mediocre and to not live up to your potential. Why do THEY believe that it is OK to just skate by in life? Why? Is it somewhat admirable to struggle? I don't understand the logic behind people trying to guilt others into being mediocre like themselves.

I like to think that I have accomplished somethings in my life, but I have always done just enough to get by. I am not an A student... I am a straight up and done B+/A- student. I am sick of seeing that on my transcripts... straight up and down sick of it. So... to all of the people that see me relentlessly studying, don't judge me, I just ask that you somewhat understand. I have never wanted anything more in my life, nor have I tried or put more effort into anything in my entire life. So if you cannot accept it for what it is... that is saying more about you than me.

What I Don't Like About You...Texas

So, basically in the four months that I have been in Texas, I have not felt the need to complain about anything...until this week. I don't know, maybe it is because I am homes sick and am counting the days until I can go back to Cali (16 days to be exact) or maybe it is because it is no longer new to me and I am seeing it for what it who knows. Anyway, here come the complaints.

#1: Why do I feel like everywhere I go, and almost every person(black) person I talk to do I feel like I am being judged because I don't go to church? This was not a big deal in California, at all. If you went to church you went, and if you didn't, you didn't. End of story. But here I feel like people chastise you and seriously judge you if you don't go to church. Just because I don't go to church does not mean that I am an atheist or even agnostic (not that there is anythign wrong with that either)...the only thing it means is that I don't go to church. One of my friends was like really adamant about it too, he was like, "I just really want you to come to church with me" it hurt him that I don't go... I just don't understand. I'm a bedside is the way that I deal with things...please do not judge me. Everyone shows their faith differently. Understand and accept that, how bout it?

#2: Why can I not get decent chinese food here? I mean it is Mexicanized or something, I can't even explain it really. I suppose growing up in the Bay Area has spoiled me but come ON! And I thought Maryland chinese food was lacking...OH WAIT, there's more. Why can I not get a decent Italian food meal here either? I mean, there is a problem when you have to go to Red Lobster or Dave and Busters to get a decent pasta dish. AND WAIT, there is even more. Why did I go to Dairy Queen a couple of weeks ago and I couldnt even finish it because the smell of grease made me sick to my stomach. Please also tell me why my house smelled like grease for 3 days... no BS.That being said... they can tear up some queso down here though. Case in point... food here (sans Mexican food) is seriously lacking.

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Is it just me or do Sean Paul and Sean Kingston have the same amount of talent...which would be absolutly none? I'm just saying. All they do is take a hot riddim and go over it. They have no talent in and of themselves... no inherent talent whatsoever. I mean they really bring nothing original to a song, but because they are both kinda bubblegum-ish they do well in the states. I think people in the states just really like these two because they are soooo watered down, BUT the beats they go over are hot. It's the produceres that need the recognition, NOT them.

I guess I just get irritated becasue they take a hot riddim and ride it and the people who KILLED the riddim kinda get no recognition in mainstream American radio (which is another reason mainstream radio is the devil). Seriously, listen to ANY song that Sean Paul has done and listen to that same riddim he used done by Sizzla or Tanya Stephens OR EVEN Ce'cile or Elephant Man.

And see, I can't even say anything about Beenie Man, yeah he gets a lot more play in America than a lot of other dancehall/reggae artists, BUT he actually has talent. He doesn't just ride a riddim... he does something with it.

Point of this post, I was listening to the radio, and they were playing Sean Kingston's 2nd single and Im just like... this dude has no talent. It's just because he sounds very different... he has that cool accent... but duuuuuude you have no talent, with that bubblegum sound. Just because you are Buju Banton's nephew doesnt mean you need to try as well.

Vent over.

Jah Cure

I am really confused as to how this dude has been in prison for almost 10 years and yet he has put out like 4 good albums. WTF is going on with that? I'm just saying. I wonder if they record his voice and then like through it over the riddim. Well no, Imma say no because his songs actually match the riddims (its not like sometimes when the just put a song over a riddim and it soooo doesnt go). So they must like let him listen to the riddim, and then somehow record it and then give it to the producers...or at least that's how I hope it happens. I mean come on, if they have a recording studio up in prison... that is just too much. It's like let him out then already! Retributivist AND consequentialist principles are at odds with this man!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Law School and the Type-Aedness

Yeah, I'm sick of it actually. I do not like Type A people and type A people thrive and breathe here. So sick of it. For instance, this chick who I consider to be my friend but when she gets around "influential" people she just turns into a freaking ass kissing leech and it is not even cool. She will monopolize a conversation, just do anything to strive and it is so sad. There is a way to talk to people without being a freaking ass kissing gunner personn/thing.

And then today, Im in class before it starts and this dude was like, "So I wonder if any of the females in the class slept with any of the partners last night". (We had the first schoolwide Alumni reception aka smoozing session last night). It is just way much. He was saying that because it is true. Like for real. And the tension in that room was ridiculous... and why did one of the women I talked to say she was happy I wasnt trying to kiss her ass and just having a conversation.

I mean there really is a way to make connections without asskissing... it's really annoying and I don't like it.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Best Commercial Ever Revision

OK, a couple of months ago, I said the best commercial ever was that winterfresh one with the corporate dude... I soooooo renege on that statement. Best commercial series ever was the Puma commercials for the Jamaican Track Team for the Athens Olympics. I remember when that commercial came out, especially the one when they were at the dancehall.... sheeeet son.. Hold Attention!!! Hot business. I've enclosed a reproduction for your viewing (I just went to a resume workshop, deal with it)

And why am I starting to get sad again...MAN what I wouldn't do for like one night at the Ritz man... just ONE NIGHT! Like for real, there was nothing like breaking upwards of 10 dudes off in one night man... And no, I'm not a whore, I'm just talking dancing wise. Someone please remind me why I didn't go to Georgetown for law school? Please remind me... man I'm aching for it. Well, I guess that just means that I have to get Three A's and a B (i've given up in Con Law... accept my fate son) and get that job/internship in DC this summer....

Musings of a Procrastinator v.3

Mesh Shorts on men are just about the hottest thing ever in LIFE. Well next to a good cologne. And let me say that mesh shorts on men that you are attractive and men that you KNOW are sexy... not mesh shorts on a dude on the bus who is standing just way to close to you. I say this because... as an ex track runner, I am used to just seeing waaaaay to much of a guys manhood in uniform. But with mesh shorts, you can see just enough without it being straight up nasty but still maintaining that sexy factor.

Please tell me why this chick was just not prepared in class was sooo obvious that she hadn't read. If you arent prepared, it's called let the professor know so you don't waste the classes time. However, this chick tried and then the person next to her passed her some notes on the case and she did a little better... but it was just freaking painful at the beginning. In criminal law that's acceptable...but when the subject matter is as straightforward as contracts... COME ON WITH IT!