Thursday, August 28, 2008


Yeah it was a nice little convention, but here of some unpolitical things that I noticed that I want to share:

- Barack looked kinda good. I'm just saying. He had a nice edge up and everything. Plus the salt and pepper look is hot.

- Michelle hired a hair stylist and might have had some tracks put in. She looks good as well. No homo.

- Loved all the John McCain and Bush jabs.

- WTF is wrong with Obama's youngest daughter? Im just saying. ADHD maybe? And the older one is just so chill.

- I watched every night except Bill Clinton... he has yet to be forgiven from me.

- Hilary didn't look too haggard when she spoke either.

OK I'm done judging.

WAIT, did Obama just say, "Bush won't even follow him (Osama) to the cave he lives)... lol. Oh My Gosh!

Monday, August 18, 2008

How is it that I reaaaaally don't like T-Pain, but I dont think there is one song that he has been featured on that I dont like? I think he sucks as a solo artist NO DOUBT, but he kills on other people's hooks. Is this entirely reconcilable?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Random Musings

This is going to be really random so here goes...

I am back in Texas and have that SAME empty feeling again. This summer was great. I was around people I love and who love me. Its not that I don't have friends here, but it's kinda different. EVERYONE I love is back in mom and dad, my boyfriend, my best friend. It's like there are people around me, but I still feel alone. Here's to another long and somewhat lonely 9 months.

So I am trying to get through both "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn" before school starts on the 27th. I think that is a possibility. So I am reading this book and realizing that there are probably soooo many little wierd teenage girls that go to sleep wishing they were Bella and wishing their Edward would come for them. Edward is not coming for you. Sorry he's just not. LOL. I still can't get over how well she captures human emotion. Eclipse is sooo much better than stupid ass New Moon. I really was re-thinking about reading Eclipse after that disappointment of a book but it was so much better. Yessir...such a good book. Oh yeah and she has a book called, "The Host" kinda sounds like some Octavia Butler ish.... I might like.

Oh yeah, is anyone else upset that they got NIKKI REED to play Rosalie Hale? Not happy in the least bit. She plays a whore in every movie (not that I am not calling her a whore cuz I don't know her) and Rosalie was not a whore. Does she have enough range to pull this off? Plus I just don't imagine Rosalie looking like that. At first the only one I was happy with was Bella... Kirsten Stewart is perfect for that. But Cedric Diggory (sorry, I don't know his real name) has grown on me for Edward.

I think Imma name my pet Cullen after Edward Cullen and Cullen Jones... I'm just saying. It's a hot name. LOL.

I fly had the nerve to die on my toothbrush last night. So rude. Needless to say CVS was my first stop this morning.

So sick of Michael Phelps...yes he's freaking great but I'm tired of seeing the same personal interest story of him and his mom like 8 times. And the other people on the relays did stuff... ask them some questions. They act like he swam the GD relays himself.

China cheats... sorry they just do.

I think I am done for the day.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

SOMEBODY was wierdly effected by Donnie Darko...Im just saying

WTF was up with that bunny dance on sytycd? Wade Robson needs a hug.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

And Another One

As it is painfully obvious, I am in love with family guy. Here's another great clip for you.

I mean seriously. Yes, family guy is kinda stupid and gross and they curse, but I feel there are more gems than faults...

Monday, August 04, 2008

And Then Another Heh Heh Hhe Heh Heh

Just one more reason why "Family Guy" is the best comedy on TV right now.