Monday, March 05, 2007

BBD... A Little Late On This Here

I think I am a bit late on this, but BBD had some kind of thing for underage girls... it's mentioned in like two songs! Not even in a covert way.... but straight up and down admitting it!

I am sure everyone knows the song, "Do Me"... and have sang the lyrics to it proud and everything. Why do these fools say
backstage...underage...adolescent, how you doin? Fine she replied and I
sighed I like to do the wild thing....
So basically Do Me came out in 1990, which means that they were 22-23 at this time and they were talking about some adolescents. I would slap myself if I ever thought inappropriate songs about some teenagers.

BUT WAIT! There's MORE! There's a song called Lovely on their album Hootie Mack and it is talking about a crush on a 16 year old.... but I guess they are saved cuz one of the lyrics says to call them when the chick turns 18.... um yeah WOW.

And one of the members, I won't say his name, married some girl 15 years his junior. I know it doesn't matter when both parties are over 18, but still.

By the way, the members of BBD/New Addition are almost 40!!!!! Time flies.

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