I was just re-reading a couple of my latest posts, and I came upon my Prince defense post. I feel the need to elobrate on this a bit. Prince Nelson is a freaking genius, in all aspects of the word. This guy started in 1978 and is still going strong... that is 29 years! Prince himself is only 48 years old! But anyway, he busted onto the scence in 1978, a liberal time, but still nowhere near where we are today (and no, we are not at the uptopian place, I am just speaking in reletive terms). He had his oversexualized songs, his oversexualized videos, and his oversexualized self to boot and he still had mad success. I mean be real, dude looked like a cross between a man and a female, yet he was non-mistakenly a sexy man. He had permed hair.... but yet, he had a chest full of manly chest hair. Contridiction much? He had assless chaps and yet he has been known to be a lover of women. Yet people were able to overlook all this and celebrate him for the artist he is. He has a crazy falsetto, yet his speaking voice is deep and sexy. Lol.

Seriously, look at that feathered hair! Lol! Yet, he was/still is undeniably hot.
Oh yeah, and Prince had an album in 1988 called "Lovesexy"...note the combination of Love and sexy into... lovesexy... dost that remind us of anything? Possibly FutureSex/LoveSounds.. Justin Timberlake??!??!?? How dare you try to clown Prince in a song, but you have copied countless things from him... you are not original. Dang, see I'm bout to get upset again.
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