Monday, April 27, 2009

Whore Pit Vipers!!!!

I have never like Melissa Rivers, however her meltdown on Celebrity Apprentice was great. She called Annie Duke and some ex porn star, whore pit vipers. lol. Imma start using that one.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Amazing Race

I strongly dislike Margie and Luke...they disgust me. Just because you are hearing impaired/deaf doesnt mean that you can treat people however you want and not expect for someone to say something. And I say this having #1 a best friend who is deaf and my sister is hearing impaired and I know neither of them use their disability like this dude Luke and his Mom are. That dude DID forearm the black chick and what, because he's deaf she's not supposed to do anything. Get that crap outta here.

And of course, the black women get portrayed as the bitches of the group. They just don't play, thats all.

Big Red Gum Burned My Tongue!!!!!!

OMG son! I got a burn on my tongue from eating Big Red. WTF. I took a nap and had some big red tucked on the side of my tongue and then I woke up. I was fine for the rest of the day, but then this morning. The side of my tongue is swollen and it hurts like a bit my tongue AND scalded it.

It took me forever to think of what could have done this, and then i said, maybe it was the gum. So I looked it up on google, and I saw 2 accounts of this. One that happened yesterday! So, the semi-lawyer in me says class action law suit against Wrigley's man. That ish is not normal!

Update: on Monday, my tongue had swollen up on the side and it had blisters on it. It even hurt to talk. But today, it is just slightly hurting. I ate a lot of ice cream yesterday so that helped. Class...Action..son.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who Has The Best Falsetto?

1. Felton Pilate- Confunkshun
2. Phillip Bailey- Earth Wind & Fire
3. El DeBarge

A Bunch of Randomness Mixed Up With Nothing

First: Darn the UT library...they offer most popular TV shows/movies that have a lawyer in them for free. Last semester, I got addicted to Boston Legal. Took a CD home per day and was great. This semester, I must admit, I am now addicted to The O.C. Yes I am slightly embarrassed about it, but it's OK. That show is bizzom. Even though the lawyer is the dad and it has nothing even remotely legal about it except the sprinkling of attorney-client privalege here and there, it is a great show. The main character, Ryan is a little too brooding for me. In fact, he reminds me Harry transported to this new place made new friends and has this, "Im not a teenager and I do what I want" type of attitude. And the faces he makes, I can't look at the screen when he's on. But I LOOOOOOVE Sandy and Seth Cohen. They are the only reason I watch the show. Oh and Julie Cooper, she is who I aspire to be when I grow up, except I'm not white, a gold-digger, devious, or a whore so I don't know how that will work.

Maybe I like the O.C. because it reminds me of home. Am I from the O.C? No, I'm from Oakland. LOL. But my boyfriend is from Southern California near the beach, and in the past two years, I have gone to SoCal just as much as NoCal, so it is starting to kinda feel like home too.

2nd: Imogen Heap/Frou Frou. I've written a little bit about her before, but I chose to expound. This woman is insanely talented. Like seriously. Her voice is crazy, but it is awesome. I think the first song I heard from her, was in Shrek 2...well actually it was Frou-Frou...Holding Out For A Hero. I just thought the song was cool, but eh, not much. Then a couple of years later, I heard "Let Go", once again by Frou Frou on SYTYCD and fell in love with this chick. She captures emotion so well...her voice is has natural emotive qualities. You can tell when some people put fake emotion into songs, but she doesn't. And then mix that with the airey quality of the instruments they use...omg. It will give you chill bumps on a 100 degree day. No lie. Cuz there's beauty in the breakdown.

If I wasn't immediately convinced by this time, which I was, a couple of seasons on SYTYCD, Mia Michaels didthis CRAZY piece go "The Moment I Said It". It was crazy. I just sat there breathless for like a minute and kept watching it again. Then I went out and bought "Speak for Yourself" and every time I need something light and airey, that's where I go. She is beyond words...and proves that good music transcends genre. If you have an appreciation for music, you can and will find it everywhere.

3rd: Confunkshun. Now with them, I am convinced I was born two decades too late. OMG, I probably would have been the biggest groupie to them. I remember my parents used to play their old records and stuff and I had a couple of favorites, but I never really listened to them until I got imeem, and some good ones came out the wood works. "Let Me Put Love on Your Mind"...really though. This song is effing bomb. You just feel it man. Where are people like this now. They were straight killing it. Had choreography and live instruments and still killed it 68 times harder than these ridiculous fools out there today.

4th: I'm spending the first 7 weeks of my summer in Dallas. I'm getting paid so I cannot complain, but it is going to be crazy hot and I am staying with my cousin whose daughter and I do NOT get along, and she just graduated from college, so she is staying at home. It is going to be interesting. But I figure I will be able to spend more time at the office and the social events because I won't want to go back, so they will be forced to hire me. :).

5th: Because I am spending 7 weeks in Dallas, that means I do not get to go home until July 10th. Please believe I will be out my last day. I haven't been home since spring break... that makes me sad. My mom is coming the third week of May and we are going to my cousins graduation in Oklahoma, but its not like going home to California. I need some In n Out and some Chinese food that doesn't taste like Mexican food or PF Chang's (sorry to tell ya'll, but PF Chang's is not genuine Chinese).

Which brings me to a thought I had last year. This firm I am working for this summer is a medium sized plaintiff's firm with offices in Dallas, Las Angeles, San Francisco, and Baltimore...all places I can live. I am going to try my hardest to get in with some people who can give me contacts with the LA and SF offices, because I really NEED to be in California to function properly as a human being. I know it sounds weird, but the culture is so different, and I have just not caught onto this Texas culture. I want to go back home. Sometimes you need to get away from home to remember what you've got. And I've done just that. Back to home please.

And with that, I think I really want to be in Southern California. I love it down there, not the party scene because that's not me, but the beaches. Loooove it. When I was stressed at home, I would hop on the BART and go into SF and walk along the "beach" to the GG bridge and back. Or I would get in my car and get on the 80 and drive along the side road thats right near the bay. It's just relaxing. In Austin, I walk along Town Lake (sorry, I refuse to call it Lady Bird Lake) every weekend because it mellows me out. Point being, I need to be near water to survive, and being in a landlocked city, kinda effs that up.

That brings me to my last statement. After these 3 finals, I will be a 3L. OMG OMG OMG. It is almost over. At this time next year, not only will I be studying, I will be packing up my apartment, and planning my move back to California, and planning my BAR study rituals and stuff. It's just crazy. The real, REAL life is about to start in a year guys. It's kinda scary. But I am looking forward to it, because I know I have prepared myself in law school and I will be OK no matter what happens.

-- Yes, this whole post as me procrastinating. I don't want to study any more.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Oh Shoot Philippe

So why am I just finding out that Philippe Saisse's "Young Nation" is a cover of an Aaliyah song? And he does kill it. Want to hear it? OK!

Aaliyah-Young Nation

Philippe Saisse- Young Nation

And yes, I am "re-finding" Philippe after I put him down when he did that horrible performance I saw in San Francisco. But this dude is really talented. You want to talk about multi-layered master piece? Go back and listen favorite song from him. I can listen to this one on repeat for hours.

Halfway Til Dawn