Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's Finals Time, Charlie Brown

Wouldn't you have loved to see that episode. Man I know I would...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Girl You Got A 10-Piece Please Dont Be Stingaaaaay

This is the best commercial to come out in like 3 months... I bet Ne-Yo wrote this. Sounds just up his alley....lol. Still doesnt make me wanna eat McDonald's though.

Places I am Going IMMEDIATLY When I Go Home...

Within the week... these places MUST be hit up...

1. King Wah
2. Get my eyebrows done (thank gooodness!)
3. In and Out
5. Coriander
6. Just walk around the big Westfield Mall in SF for no reason at all
7. Firebowl Grill or whatever it is called in the Metreon
8. Fisherman's Wharf...yeah I'm allergic to fish...but its the atmosphere man!
9. Yoshi's (SF or Oakland, I don't care)

Sooooooo ready to go home! Help me!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight the Movie

Is it just me or does this movie look like it is going to suck...thus not going to see it. Two things...I feel like Edward did not look like a heroin addict and thats what Robert Pattison looks like. I mean he didnt in Harry Potter... he was actually kinda cute as Cedric Diggory. But he looks a hot dirty mess right now. If they had kept him looking like Cedric but changed the hair color...maybe. But yeah, don't like it.

Plus I feel like when you see movies like this, it ruins the books for you. The Harry Potter books were ruined for me until the third movie. Well thats because the first two movies absolutly sucked. And I feel like Twilight is going to be like that.

I don't even know if I'll watch it on DVD. Just like the Sookie books were ruined by True Blood first sex scene for me... I don't think Imma risk it.

Can I Get Some Recognition?

I think it is so crazy that Dwele and Er Ro (Eric Roberson) do not get more play than they do. And when I say play, I mean radio play and or other forms of recognition? Both of these guys are very pure tones to their voices and I really enjoy. So I asked one of my friends why this might be, and he said because they are both boring.

Now I don't see them as boring. I see them as soothing. And I like the underbeats so I guess it is not boring for me. But I just don't understand why all music has to fit into some little category. I just feel like there is place in the market for both of these guys...and not the underground R&B market.

I just goes to show, you really gotta conform to whats good in the market or you will be cast as and peripheral character in the scheme of your given genre of music.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So Beautiful

I enjoy Musiq's new song, "So Beautiful". Really enjoyable. He sings the entire song except for the background vocals in a falsetto. I mean its not a Maxwell falsetto, but it is still nice. But what really throughs it over the edge is the strings section in the middle. Freaking hot. Loves it.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bout to Witness History!

So excitable! A few people from my "black people's group" at the law school are chartering a bus to drive from Austin to DC to see the Inaugaration. Soooo excited. Plane tickets are going at like 700 dollars, so I just gave up all hope of going.... but now oh shoooot! Now I just have to find some place to stay. I still know two people down there, so hopefully I can stay with one of them (although they both live kinda far away (Baltimore and Columbia) and I'm not sure if there is a way of public transit down to DC).

So excited! Even though we can't get into any of the good stuff, just being down there when all that happens is going to be sooooo exciting. Black people are going down there like it is a pilgramage (yes, I know white people are too... just go with me for the sake of argument). My friend and her mom bought tickets and hotel rooms for the election last year, "just in case" according to them.

People are flocking, and yes, I will be one of them. OMG!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Concerts Ever

Alex Bugnon
Wayman Tisdale
Keiko Matsui
Talib Kweli
Sean Paul
Wayne Wonder
George Clinton
Philippe Saisse
Richard Elliot

Go see any of these people live. No really. Do it now. Thanks

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I just do not understand why people care so much about what gay people do? Telling them they can't marry doesnt make them any less gay, so what exactly are you achieving by not letting them marry. That is just silly. People be all up in other's business waaaay to much. Just saying.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

November 4, 2008

I wish there were only words to describe how I feel right about now. But there just arent. I am not going to try to talk in flowery or beautiful language. Imma just say what I feel...

I don't think that I have ever been so anxious about something that was not family related in my lifetime. The whole day I have felt sick. Sick to my stomach. While I was volunteering at RSS, my stomach would not stop bubbling. I drove 80 miles an hour on the freeway to watch Obama give his acceptance speech. I am absolutely exhausted right now. There are just so many emotions that I feel right now.

During Obama's speech, I felt fear... I saw the bulletproof glass and realized this is real. This man's life is bout to be at danger every single day now. More than it was before this wonderufl day. This is not a joke. This man is the next president of America. Our president. MY president. How bout it.

But let me tell you when I lost it... when Michelle Obama and the kids came out. That man is so in love with his wife it is unbelievable. This is a man. this is a real man who deserves every bit of glory that he got tonight. EVERY bit. He is a regular man with kids, and a wife...a family. A black family, who will be in the White House.

So what do I feel.... freaking AWESOME. How about it!


Yeah, not to be corny, but I will always remember this day and I just wanted to memorialize it with a post.


Someone please tell me once again how I ended up in Austin, TX of all places. Oh yeah, it was the money. I have GOT to stop making decisions based on what is cheapest. I end up kinda not so happy. Maybe I should apply to become a visiting student. I don't know if I could spend another semester here. Like real talk. I feel like I am about to explode over here. AHHHHHHH!

Or maybe I am just stressed because I am taking the MPRE and 4 finals...who knows. No, I think I just hate it here.... I suck balls. I had a choice of 4 schools that accepted my in a city that I really wanted to be in... but, I ended up here. WHAT???? I must have some sort of mental issue.


If you don't vote, then don't complain. How about it. This is for real serious people...

Saturday, November 01, 2008

John McCain as the less talented Denny Crane

So I just got into Boston Legal and that show is freaking great. Sorry it just is. Anyway, so I'm thinking John McCain might have Denny Crane's "mad cow disease". Seriously, he couldnt remember the 4 secretary of state's who are supporting him. I mean I'm not saying he is Stage 4/Dementia level...but come on guys. Come ON!

This fool is not all there...