Friday, May 30, 2008


So I started one of my jobs yesterday and while I will NOT divulge where I am working, I will say this. In two days, I have gotten severe blisters on my two baby toes, got propositioned by a bum in an elevator, and saw some drugs for the first time in my life. All I can say is this is going to be a very interesting summer. I hope job #2 is a bit tamer.

But BOY was it fun!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Um, How Bout Greatness?

Oh no! I was not awares that Kenny Loggins made, "Love Will Follow". Oh shucks! Just another reason why he is #2 best blue eyed soul guy next to Michael McDonald (although I don't think he has blue eyes lol). Anyway, this performance below was LIVE just like his "What A Fool Believes". He is so talented, why he didn't do more R&B I do not know because his voice is perfect. I mean seriously, on one of the lines he did, I had to keep rewinding it...perfect (About 3:17).

And lets not forget Shanice. She killed it here. I didn't know it was her on this song either. Well they both deserve mad props, I mean this is live... people just do not sound like this any more.

Lemme treat you to "What A Fool Believes" with Mr. McDonald since apparently I never posted that one. Great son. Great.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So Apparently We're Scary Now

I love how had a headline on Yahoo! talking about Colleges "scariest" football players or something of that nature. So I click on it, and all the pictures they show of are black people. Now, I don't know if all the people that were listed were black but all of the pictures still are.

So I got on Yahoo! about three hours later, and they changed it from "scariest" to "most imposing". Ha! Apparently someone else felt the same way about it as I did.

Guess What?

I was in school for approx 8 months before I realized that Susman Godfrey was not a person... they are two people. BAM! I mean it says, "Susman Godfrey Atrium". There are also rooms named, "Kraft W. Eidman Courtroom", "Joe Jamail Plaza" and so forth. All these people are ONE person, would it be any different for me to think that Susman Godrey was one person... I think not.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Big Mama

Um... there is a Korean female group called "Big Mama"... um they are excellent. In a couple of the songs, I don't know what they are saying, but they still be getting it son. Better than 80 percent of the R&B acts over here. Sooooo impressed. If you are not up on Big Mama, I think you should try them out.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So apparently, the thought of my Torts final was just sooo rough for me that I blocked it out of my mind. I got my grade today, and it was a greeeeat grade, but I'm sitting here trying to remember the questions and I can't! I swore I had like failed that test, but I didn't...very very weird. The point being, is that I cannot remember anything about the test. I don't know how many questions were on the test, I can't even remember concepts. Honestly, I can't remember concepts from the GD class. Actually, I do think there was something about intentional torts on there... I think... lol. 4 more grades to go.

My teacher was being nice (I guess) and told us the grades were up so I felt it was necessary to check. Otherwise, unless I get a prompt that says my grades are up, I'm not looking. They aren't going to have my pressure up...sorry they just aren't.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Real World XX

First of all, I can't believe we are on the 20th season of Real World. That is is crazy son. Second of all. I think this season is actually one of the realest I've seen. They (98 percent of them) are trashy ass early 20 year olds. Seriously.

Actually the dudes aren't all that bad, but the girls are all a hot ass mess, but for different reasons. Brianna is just all kinds of out of control. I'm not a stripper because it is who I am, I just do it for my job.... BUT you look like one of the chicks standing on San Pablo Blvd in Emeryville circa 11:30pm.

Now, the other two girls... without getting on too much of a racial kick (and know that I am censoring myself a whole lot)... are playing the Scarlet O'Hara card THICK. They are two of the most judgmental (and unattractive) chicks I think I have ever seen on TV. Talking all this ish like you are pure...and you are both whores. Yes, I myself would never strip, but I'm not going to just condemn all that do because you don't know what's up with thier situation.

I mean that chick said, "Stop acting Ghetto and let's act proper...blacksville"? What kinda crap is that? You need to let me know when you figure it out. And what made that situation even worse, is SHE was the one acting ignorant. It's just so frustrating how our society works. I just hate how a lot of times, it is ignorant ass people like this running the world and somehow it is OK. If they say things like this, people just want to say they were out of line and not say what it really is...they are racist and it's fine.

The two white dudes are kinda just drunks for the most part. And why does that dude look like a reincarnation of Brad from San Diego? I'm just saying. The two black what to say that won't get me in trouble. All I will say is... they had a Kefla once, and they will never have one again. LOL.

4 words to sum this season up. Hot Shi&&y @$$ mess.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

That's Why You're The Press Secretary Boo Boo!

Charlie Wilson's War is a pretty good movie...but it just makes you think. Charlie Wilson...yes he started the end of the Cold War and blah blah. But that dude had some questionable moral integrity issues. I'm just saying. That's who is running the country huh. But then again I think it is the same thing as Marion Berry being caught with Crack and being reelected for a second term.

Hella morally wayward country runners and ish.

But yeah, Charlie Wilson's War was good.

Frank Sommerville? Really Though?

Well, Dennis Richmond is retiring on Wednesday, May 21. I am very saddened. Not only because he is leaving, but because he is being replaced by Frank Sommerville. I don't like that dude. Sorry, I just don't even think it is comparable.

Dennis Richmond can't leave. I remember watching him when I was three and always asking why his eyes were so red (I'm proud to say they have cleared up as of late). But yeah... I can't believe he's leaving. Maybe it will be like Book 7 of Harry Potter, I won't watch it so it is like it really isn't ending. lol. Or not.

No judgment. I think they should bring back Elaine Corral... maybe Leslie Griffith. Yeah, not no Frank Somerville!

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Hill's Raised My Pressure

Oh my gosh, this show really irritates me. Yes, I watch it every Monday, but it sill irritates and somewhat disgusts me.

#1... trust fund-esque people need to be slapped

#2 Heidi is so dumb, its one thing that she got back together with Spencer, but how do you just blow an opportunity like that? She just killed all of her business equity. You just do not do that. That was a little kid move

#3... They acted so much better on Laguna Beach... well actually, I think just Whitney and Spencer's sister are awful and it just kills everything.

#4 Lauren is kinda dumb, I'm just saying. I don't understand why everything in her life is so dramatic.

With all that said, I still like the show. And what? Say something about it

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sit Your @$$ Down!

That was GREAT. If you don't know LeBron James said this to his mother after she called herself trying to intervene when Paul Pierce hard fouled him.

In any ordinary circumstance, this will definately be inappropriate and disrespectful. However, LeBron's mom NEED someone to tell her to sit her behind down. Usually, you hear that parent telling the kid that, not the other way around. Comical

I just think it is funny how LeBron is NEVER in trouble but his mom always is. Funny

Thursday, May 08, 2008

T minus 3 and a half hours...

Until my last final is over and I am no longer a 1L. Oh my goodness. This needs to be over as soon as possible.

My advice to the future Class of 2011... well it's not advice really but just something to think about.... Everyone tells you that law school is hard and that it is one of the most stressful things that you will ever go through. Yeah, you have no idea. Everyone can tell you that it is stressful and difficult and emotional, but you will not truly understand how much until you go through it.

August-Oct. 31...they lure you into a false sense of security. You're like...I don't get what everyone is talking about. Yeah, come Nov 1...that'll change. And it's OK. It is what it is.

Also... anyone who says they truly enjoyed law school might have some issues. I don't think you are supposed to enjoy it. Its like a filtering device, just like the LSAT was and just like the Bar will be. In my class of 100... 5 have dropped out. It's rough man. This is not to say that I didn't enjoy myself this year, I met tons of cool people and learned a lot of really interesting things...but the actual school and finals experience is NOT pleasant.

I think it is all worth it in the end...but Class of 2011, please know what you are getting into. I would never try to discourage anyone from going to law school....but all I say is be prepared to feel the dumbest you have ever felt, the smartest you've ever felt, the craziest you've ever felt, the happiest you've ever felt (when you get that 1L job), and the most stressed you've ever felt all in the course of 9 months.

Now, lemme go assault this Civil Procedure test. I don't think Imma quite kill it... but Imma try to assault it pretty badly.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Like A Mexican Princess On Fire...

As said by Tanisha on Bad Girls Club. Yes, Darlen is a beast though. Seriously. Super gangsTER with it. Did you see how she jumped over that couch and took that girl down by the head??? I had to watch it like 4 times... it was sweet.


The word "Pamper" is not a generic term for a diaper. It is a brand of diaper. I think one of the most annoying things is when people say, "Hand me a pamper". Unless you are actually getting the brand Pamper, you need to call it what it is... A DIAPER. Do not buy Huggies and or cloth diapers talking about, "His pamper is dirty"... oh my goodness. I get so peeved by this.

Look At Me With A Brand New Hyundai

Just another reason Family Guy is one of the best cartoons ever invented.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Light Up My Life Like Diamonds and Pearls

Man...just found another song I've been looking for since High School. "Diamonds and Pearls" by Papa Reu...greatness. Is it very original, that would be a no, but it brings me back to a great time. Now all I have to do is find the mix of Born Jamericans' "Send My Love". It was mixed with Jay-Z's "Who You Wit"...great.

Oh yeah, I graduated from middle school 10 years ago....gaaaaa dog