Monday, March 31, 2008
Life is Subjective, So is Civil Procedure
Anyway, so I think I have finally decided what vien of law I want to go into... get ready for it.... Property! Namely real estate and wills and estates. Why property do you ask? Well it is more of a practical thing. The subject does interest me, but more, there will always be steady work in this field and I won't have to work for the man. Yeah, this is actually the main reason. I don't want to work for the man... I want to work for PEOPLE.
Yay, two claps for me for deciding what I want to do with my life...YAY!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
With You With You With You!!!!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song
"I'm not gonna write you a love song cuz you asked for it... cuz you NEED one". Rough.
"If all you have is leaving Imma need a better reason to write you..." Rough x2. "If you're heart is nowhere in it I don't want it for a minute" Rough but true. And my favorite,
"Babe, I'll walk the seven seas if I believe that there's a reason to write you...a love song... today".
Loving it.
George Michael
Thursday, March 20, 2008
My Old Man Crush
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
American Idol 3/18
Kristy Lee Cook needs to be gone... how bout it?
David Archuleta is a good singer yes, he bores me though.
Brooke White... I honestly like her. She seems nice and her voice is cool though. Why does she never stand up though? She is always sitting on something... although she did stand up today. She is an awful dancer.
I enjoyed David Cook as well. I like the gruffiness of his voice. Although I seem like David Cook and Michael Johns might be the same person.
I actually liked Carley Smithson tonight. I usually don't like her... but I liked the deep voice thing. Enjoyed.
Syesha kinda irritates me. Not sure why. I didn't enjoy the soprano range.
Did Chikezie really get up on the stage and play the harmonica? And I'm sorry, I didn't enjoy him. I usually do, but this country thing... wasn't hot to me. In the least. I agree with Randy... it was strange.
Ramiele...what to say. She has a good voice, but I am never impressed.
All in all... American Idol sucks seriously this time around.
Stop the Hate!!!
Presilla Pressily was getting it too. I mean she's 62... most 62 year olds can't even walk and she's up here doing the death spiral? What!
I was impressed by Marlee Matlin as well. Not because she is hearing impaired but because she actually did pretty good. Although I feel like Dancing with the Stars might be starting to typecast. Yes I know all of the people want to do it, but they always have the black athlete, the pretty girl, the old person, and now they are starting to have the disabled person. They are starting to cast.
All in all, Dancing with the Stars might be in for a good season.
Oh yes.. Tony Dovolani is the new Maksim. And Louis Van Amstal is back, YEAH!
Frankly My Dear...
If this isn't the classiest way to own someone... I just don't know what is...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Musings of a Reality TV Junkie 3/17
So the first night... I was highly unimpressed except for Mario's pelvic grind/thrust thing... that was very impressive. All of the rest were gosh awful. And Adam Corolla was all kinds of awful and then had an attitude because he got a 15. Come now. And what is up with the Samantha announcer lady. I mean, they know that she cannot speak well so why is she doing a "live" TV show? I mean really. She blabbered a couple of incoherent sentence fragments tonight... it makes for good TV though
Flavor of Love
Highly confused about Flavor of Love 3. Yes, I still watch this show and I am not sure why. This show is a hot mess. I mean for real. Message to Flav, there is something called hearsay that you need to learn about. I am not going to teach you about the legal version... I'll just give you the layman's definition. Information that was not received from the person who actually said the information is held as inadmissible evidence because it is not reliable. People can change the story on purpose or on accident... On the last two episodes, he has taken the word of one person over the other without even really asking all that he could to find out the truth. On this episode, Miami (I don't know the ridiculous way he spelled it) was not lying and he put her through all that ish giving her an "immunity clock". I mean come on, she was being honest and you just assumed she was lying. WTF? You suck Flav. And now you have a bunch of chicken-heads up in goodness
And I can't tell if I like the twins... I am going with no...simply because they don't speak very well. Their verbiage never agrees and it is quite distracting. Also, I'm not sure why they always have to say the same thing. It is quite annoying
Making the Band
I am ashamed to say that I might like Danity Kane. They seem like they would be really cool people, well all except Aubrey. But those dudes are another story. The suck... every note does not have to sound like you are constipated (Brian)... honestly. And they all have that ridiculous black man Alpha dog syndrome. It's called take a back seat because you aren't as good as you think you are... I'm just saying.
Diddy killed the whole "bitchassness" thing. Like for real. It was funny the one time he used it in context with Robert, but he uses it in every episode and even made T-Shirts? You totally killed it. It's over now. Thanks.
Rock of Love
Oh my, if I was anyone of those chicks at the end of Sunday's episode, I would have quit the show right then. I mean honestly. You get rid of this crazy chick and then just walk out on the other girls without a goodbye. Yeah yeah its a TV show, but I mean just for that reason I would have walked out. You are not going to just up and disrespect/embarrass me like that. And those chicks just walked off like stray puppies... naw son. Would not go down like that. Lo Siento patna.
That's Amore
Yeah, um that dude is the sloppiest kisser I have ever seen. There is no cause for his bottom lip to have touched ole girls chin. I'm just saying.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Please stop hating on Guitar Hero
Also, I dont understand why people get upset when they said they heard a song from Guitar Hero. Like hearing a song off the radio or buying the CD is so much more respectable. I am a person that does not really listen to the how am I supposed to hear the music of a genre that is not really my #1 choice? I mean really... There are a lot of songs on my iPOD now that I only heard from GH, so does that mean my appreciation of them is any less?
Yeah I dont think so.
Monday, March 03, 2008
The Law School Machine
I went into law school KNOWING that I wanted to work in Civil Rights, Education Law or some other public interest area. Three months into my law school experiance, my mind somehow miraculously changed to CORPORATE LAW. Yeah I mean I NEVER wanted to do this, but somehow this was now my new passion. Why? Some of it was because of peer pressure and most of it was from people who were technically not my peers. I mean teachers, and career counselors give it the most.
Anyway, after spending approx 100 dollars on sending my resumes out and such and going to firm receptions and interviews and such...I realized that working 65 plus hours a week and having nannies for my kids was not for me. Oh yeah, and having to straighten my hair...that's just killed it for me. After I had this realization, I got some blonde braids and decided to do soemthing in the public sector over the summer for the first half and then do summer school for the second semester. Please tell me why people have asked, "Oh, you didnt get a firm job"? It's called I turned them down, how about it?
Also, peers... yeah I had to get a whole new set of friends. I realized that I hung out with the most self absorbed and pretentious people known to man. I mean its OK if you want to go into corporate, but do not put others (me) down because I don't want to. That's just rude.
So my top advice to anyone who is considering this is serious. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING INTO:
1. Peer pressure in law school is about 765x worse than in high school. Get ready for it.
2. Stick to your guns about what you want to do
3. Go to a school in an area that you actually want to practice law. You will be making all of your professional contacts there, so yeah... you might actually want a job there... I WISH SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TOLD ME THIS
4. Get to know as many people as you can (in your law school)... go to the events... its always good to know people
5. Start hardcore studying about a month and a half before your first final
6. Study with people... but with people who will a. actually study b. contribute c. value you and your opinions
7. BY A PROTECTIVE SCREEN SHIELD... people will look at your notes in class and end up looking at your gchat convo's.... NOT COOL
Election Predictions
#1... Hillary Clinton is going to take Texas tomorrow. The same thing is going to happen in TX that happened in CA. She is banking on the "Hispanic" vote and is going to get it. Everytime you hear about Hil in TX, she is somewhere in the Valley. Everytime you hear about Barack, he is either in Austin, Houston, or Dallas. I'm sorry, it is what it is. If you want to get upset about it, look at the voting information from California. It is what it is. Typically, there are a few groups who vote for Barack; the educated, black people (namely women), and white people. Statistically, hispanic and asian people tend to vote for Hillary... I just feel like Barack is not going to be able to pull this one off... as much as I would like for him to.
#2... If Hillary takes Texas, McCain is going to be president come November. He doesnt really know he's not a real republican anyway so this may not be so bad...
#3... my student group is having elections and we are going to be absolutly screwed.